einstein's Replies

"the guy who is trying to get some D off another guy by fooling him into thinking he is actually his mom." is this an actual plot form this show? Disney is just making sure this franchise is dead for sure. lol this has to be one of the most stupid posts on this board! Nice! I prefer the goldsmith one, but the tangerine version isnt bad either. what do you think? One of riddleys best films and one of the best 80s fantasy movies, with an amazing cast, sets and the soundtrack is wonderful too! Both are dated. Mad magazine, is so dead and dated as most print media is, but barely anyone these days will even remember mad magazine today. This movie is dated of course but still has some timeless themes about love and relationships. a lighthearted, stupid, silly-fun time for sure they are twins.they always come in 2 hahaa I do not trust the author of this review, I will watch it myself. This author said"Expected nothing less than perfect from Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach's script. Marketing genius...this is why Barbie is an already iconic film". This person thinks the Barbie movie, is perfection. ok,..... im NOT gonna say the usual thing, about "putting a chick in it", but hollywood is just getting too predictable and boring. yeah, lets hope it turns out good! Wow this looks horrible. Pretty sure it will flop. LETS CELEBRATE!! IN ALL CAPS! GOOD JOB KOWALKSI! lol yes! lol she is jogging away. hmm interesting Loved the original theme song by him! Lets hope the new soundtrack is also good! lol thanks! Agreed! Looking forward to this one!