ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Interesting. They certainly made the right choice despite the problems with production. It was a movie about a huge shark and the shark didn’t work very well. I read that the damned thing sunk at one point😄 No. I’m a homebody, I would not travel at all but my wife and kids force me into it once or twice a year. I may be going to Florida this summer and it’s a lovely state but I dread the packing and flying and all of the driving😎 It was a boring movie 😂 They used a neighbor’s house for some interior scenes and afterward we always called it ‘the Kevin Bacon house’ lol. In my opinion Spielberg was such a force of nature, a master showman and business operator they wisely put their faith in him. Turned out to be a good choice! I think this should be pinned for several months📌📌📌📌😉 I’ve told this story before but Kevin Bacon shot a movie called Loverboy in my old neighborhood. It was pretty cool to watch a movie get made and Kyra Sedgwick even comments on the birdbath in my side garden in the film! Pretty neat! Fine! Little person. He had a little bit of a temper! I NEVER smoke rock with dwarves, they have very short tempers🥸 Not my thing but I’m sure it’s very popular. Aha! Yeah, we don’t get any of that here. It seems like an American Idol type competition which I suppose Europe doesn’t get🤓 ‘The uploader has not made this video available in your country’ is all I get here. What was it anyway? Excellent recap AD👍 I admire your knowledge of actors and producers, well done, Catch up to me😎 I bet you can! Sorry, I’ll try to catch up, I need to find the laptiop. Am I hijacking or are we zooming? either way is good 👍 KOWALSKI is a very cool guy , The correct medical term is bulging cocks, I earned a medical degree from cereal box tops in 1980’s so touche !!! Splinter is cool so far, but I’m gonna smoke a ciggie out in the garage and find a silly third movie for the usual gang of crazies👍 She’s quietly taking over, she has a diabolical scheme! Clever Girl, she will end us all if we do not unite against her!! *sorry, I’ve been re-watching SHIGUN this week and Ali is clearly trying to take over the realm. samoanjoes wishes he was as cool! He’s not punny at all.