
Scape (505)


Danny Devito as a Director Jerry Goldsmith Really hope this movie is good for Sam Raimi’s sake. The “Monster” What a bummer that James Horner isn’t around for this.. This’s fucking awful. The Actor who accidentally broke his leg... Not digging the Over the top blue filter Dude’s just waiting around for somebody to make a Lance Armstrong movie. You think Luke’s Green Lightsaber will make an appearance in this film? View all posts >


And to think James Horner came on extremely late to the project & only had 10 days to do the whole film score… He says “Say ahh, motherfucker!” Which is what doctors say when they want you to open your mouth. He wanted the creature to open its mouth so he could throw the grenade into it. Silly, but that’s what he says & why. I’m not following you here. All I’m saying is that Kubrick most likely thought the ball looked better rolling up with the carpet pattern aiming into Danny. Not “any way they wanted”. Kubrick only had two options with this shot. Ball rolling directly down the pattern’s line looks better. But in shooting the close up that way he had to be okay with a quick carpet continuity error, or it would appear it came from the exit door. Most of this is ridiculous. For example the “carpet changing direction”. It’s not that deep. It looks more pleasing for the ball to roll up with the patterns aiming into Danny, but if you don’t flip the hallway for the next shot it would look like the ball came from the exit door. Much creepier & better visual to show the long empty hallway. I’m sure Kubrick thought to himself, no one will notice the continuity error in the theater. Now here we are… I’m with you. I like the movie, but totally agree. I love the short story. Could not agree more. We can thank Spielberg for the “shaky camera” Hollywood phase. Not his fault, but his ingenuity & brilliance with “Saving Private Ryan’s” opening caused over a decades worth of annoying camera movement copycats. Brilliant analysis. You are so right. This was Scorsese back in form. It does have everything a great movie should have. I look at it the exact opposite way. If the detectives had put it all together about who was in that car, that would be “Hollywood injecting” itself. The way it ends is very realistic. It’s depressing but realistic. Also, it would’ve been silly if they figured it all out just from seeing a random car wreck on a “main” road as they drove by. We the viewers know who it is, but how would the cops know that that was the person. Yeah, it’s a dark car like the kids crayon drawing, but they didn’t even really believe Nicholson’s theory on the case. It’s a bummer of an ending but refreshing when most movies have a “Hollywood ending”. View all replies >