Calledforblackup's Replies

I think The Florida Project is ultimately the better movie but the main character sucks in that one. At least the other supporting cast were way more likeable than anyone in American Honey though. I've seen them called "Slice of Life" films. Also see: Fish Tank (2009) I was waiting for him to address the lady, but he never did I agree - total standout moment and well acted. A little over the top sentimental, but I'm not holding it against a film like this I actually liked that there weren't any forced romances with the other female leads - the maiden and the blacksmith. The blacksmith being platonic with the guys gives the movie more originality as well And thousands of people went to my high school. If I was about to fight to the death and I knew someone went to my same high school I wouldn't be blank faced about it lmao I agree with you. He shrugs it off as if he didn't even care. At the very least he'd be like OH SHIT WADDUP to someone he did battle with previously? I'm losing my mind because we are clearly introduced to two buffoon senators in Rome and if it wasn't Graccus or whatever then it's 1000% the other one, by default. How is this hard? It worked.. how? What was he trying to do? And why the hell was she on the roof anyway? She did not need to be up there. That part only exists for the neighbor to discover her. By the way - the neighbor is outside at the precise moment of Page being on the roof. The definition of "contrivance" Hm, now that you mention that - The Wrestler fits that theme too doesn't it? I agree. I think it was a product of its time. Watching it today, it's still intense, but not as intense as it's always spoken about. This is why the movie sucks because WHEN were we given the notion they had warrants lmfao BRO lmao I thought the same shit AND to make things worse, when they're at the dinner table I thought Eli was still keeping up the kayfabe. I thought there was some kind of insider thing where Paul ("Eli") was trying to cut his father out of the deal by keeping things hush. Complete misunderstanding on my part I thought he was already clipped by a gunshot so he couldn't have fought off that much - but I agree in that he also shouldn't have been 100% compliant either. But Ed did have the gun. She is decidedly more famous, what are you talking about Why don't you enlighten us then? What motivates him? It's easy to just say "oh you missed it" but if you have some insight, by all means, please share it with us lol Julia Roberts was supposed to be cold and detached. That was like, the core of her character. Why do you think someone playing a warmer character would be better when the character is not *supposed* to be warm lol I agree. Corinne played the role of the "cop's wife" really horribly. She's supposed to hold it down for her cop husband, not constantly undermine his authority. *spoilers* I'm on season 2 and this dumbass Corinne literally takes the kids and flies all around the country, then when Vic presses her, she plays like a buffoon like "What? I had no choice, I just felt so unsafe!" YOU MOTHERFUCKER. Your husband is a cop! You don't try to get him back like this! Lol. She is the most poorly written character on the show, and it's almost self parody. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard and she only exists to whine and nag. I prefer directors to make a statement. "The movie is what you make it!!" is often a cop-out. Would have loved the director to actually make a stance....