MovieChat Forums > Bossdog677

Bossdog677 (1456)


If Freddy represented Jesse's Homosexuality The Cartman Arch makes no sense As a lifelong Tromaville fan Michigan Misgendering Law He-Man was never gay GREMLINS 3 Have they blamed Trump for the Cocaine yet? Bob Saget vs Alan Thicke The 19th ruined everything Dominion Machines not getting Security Patch until after the 2024 election View all posts >


Sure it was rushed but it was very important to squeeze in one more installment before the 80s were over and the Goo Goo Dolls took hold. PC crap has been around since at least the 1970's and went full mainstream in the 90's and was well underway and shoved down our throats by 2007. People like you who defend Woke Slop suffer from Extreme Cases of Recency Bias and can't see past last week so think everything happening now is some recent phenomenon that just happened last week. Its been three years since you commented this. Are you off looking at Anti Woke posts from way back in 2021 and amazed Wokeness existed way back then? It's pretty common knowledge the Roman Government did it at the Behest of the Jewish People which is why the Jewish Community rejects Jesus to this day. That's because you are an idiot And that's why you got beat up throughout high school. It's because she pisses herself.... Alot Have some more Sloppy Joes Because he is ginger It was a movie for our moms that we could watch too like Don't tell Mom the babysitters dead. Mom's love Phoebe Cate's journey against a two timing Eric Stratton and her bitch mother and love they Carrie Fischer and the Mickey dude. It's like how TV Shows jump the shark because they already went through all their material but are just trying to hang on for the money....That's Snoop and Dre after one album View all replies >