MovieChat Forums > janoss

janoss (208)


I find it a very fun series to watch Best movie of all time according to everyone Thought it was OK I think I liked it It's a silly movie, but I liked it Good movie; a bit confused Came here to complain, but... View all posts >


I know this is old but, for Christ's sake! They made this other movie where the Korean Major wasn't educated in the United States, spoke no English, their was no interest or conflict, Sgt. Zach was shot in the head, died, and didn't factor in, the conscientious objector, defected to North Korea, the little kid was a spy for the Australians, and the Japanese dude hated the Canadiens. It turned out that move sucked. They made this one instead. It worked. All movies require willing suspension of disbelief. I had dozens of Asian, African, Russian, British, French, colleagues when I was in school. It's pretty darn normal. And I was in northern Minnesota. Imagine college in Los Angeles. It's in the novel. Essentially, he had slowly gone mad. He didn't want to be there, he was alone, was out of his element, and had no friends. It's primarily a plot device. No one knows that Dunbar is at the fort because the one officer who knew killed himself. The soldiers that had been at the fort were starving and left on foot to try to get back to town, but were all killed (to my memory) so no one even reported that the fort was unmanned. Thus the long time without resupply or contact. In the novelization, it makes way more sense but putting it in the movie would slow it way down and it's already a slow movie. Did you miss the part where Kevin Bacon makes a pro-Christian speech at the town hall meeting? It's anti-fundamentalist, but not anti-Christian. Easy answers: Yes From the pantry. In the room that wasn't on camera. With a shovel. There, all questions answered. That was easy. So many buttons to count. So little time. For the button counters... What is unrealistic specifically that stands out? What takes you out of the movie? I'm curious. I was quite impressed by it. No shoe-horned love story. No excessive character development. No message. Just a story. I have a "How to" textbook written by a destroyer captain just after WWII. This movie watches like that book reads. "How to fight a wolf pack, chapter 1" If you're not into WWII destroyer vs. submarine kind of stuff, you won't like it. I wouldn't expect you to. I thought of a line from the book when watching the movie, "If you haven't dipped a rail, you aren't a destroyer captain." The people I have worked with or been friends with from the Soviet era were all amazed at how nice Americans were. My buddy was a sailor and he thought that all Americans were bloodthirsty decadent capitalist pig dogs. Eventually, he moved to the States and realized that we're all just people. The propaganda machine in Soviet Russia was just as bad as the American propaganda machine. When using a mechanical typewriter, you use 2 spaces. When using desktop publishing software, you use a single space then replace it with an EM space. In MS Word, these days, it automatically replaces two spaces with an EM space. It's a style and typesetting guideline. You're racist and love Nazis. We get it. I like hats. View all replies >