CigarDoug's Replies

It was obvious, since they showed all the dust on the tables, that the old people being interviewed were from Cooper's time. You got the connection to the Dust Bowl of the twenties, but it was clearly from a future dust bowl. >So the great NASA solution is a complete contradiction in logic, and thus at the end of the movie, the driving conflict simply disappears. As if you reached the end of Star Wars and the Rebels were celebrating because the Death Star simply vanished and no one says anything about what happened to it. "Somehow, Palpatine returned." Interesting argument. Interstellar sounds good as a title, so that's probably why they chose it. The definition is "occurring or situated between stars." That certainly implies between two stars in the same Milky Way galaxy, but it doesn't specifically LIMIT it to that. If I travel from a star in one galaxy to a star in ANOTHER galaxy, that is interstellar. It is additionally intergalactic. 1. People open doors and windows. Dust gets in that way, it's unavoidable, unless you have an airlock on each door. Murphy left her window open during a dust storm, so large amounts of dust got in. You think they are going to easily get all that dust out of the air? 2. Yes, an individual could grow a SMALL amount of food indoors. But look at how large those cornfields are. It's not economically feasible to move an entire field indoors. You think he only drove to her house in his truck a single time? It is amusing that half the people on this board are mad that this movie "stole" the idea about the character Frank Sidebottom and the movie wouldn't exist without cashing in on his fame (I never heard of Chris Seivey before seeing this movie), and the other half are strangely pretending it had nothing to do with him at all. A paper-mache head. Worn by a singer. Named Frank. That looks exactly like Frank Sidebottom. Nope, nothing to see here at all. There is a very small minority who think, rightly, that this was a tribute to Chris Seivey and his original idea, even though they borrowed from other singers to round out the character and make him weirder (like not removing the head, ever). More people are going to learn about the inspiration for this movie once they look into it. That's not a bad thing. Sheldon Cooper plays the theramin on TBBT. Also, one of the witches on American Horror Story played one. Famous? Um, OK. I never heard of Frank Sidebottom the character before watching this movie and going online to learn more about it. Don't assume because YOU happen to know of the real-life person behind Frank Sidebottom (I still don't know his name, would have to go look it up) who inspired this movie, that he was actually famous. Michael Fassbender is a well-known actor, that is PROBABLY how this movie got made. I think the fame is working in the other direction, people see the movie and then learn about the original singer it was loosely based on. I would rather listen to every song in this film again, rather than hear anything by Coldplay. And I didn't like any of the songs in this film. To answer just ONE of your questions, they started in England and drove to Ireland. They either sold or left the van in England, and rented one in America. They certainly didn't have time to ship it to America, that would also be quite expensive. The ending only makes sense if you don't think of Jon as the hero, or the protagonist, of the film. Jon never belonged in the band. Him bringing them to SXSW did screw them up. Yes, in the end, he helped Frank move past the mask and he was able to rejoin the band. But the band didn't exist to be popular or successful, they only needed each other. That's why they were happy playing in a dive where none of the patrons listened or even cared they were there. Jon realized at the end that he wasn't meant to be with the band, so he left.