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Jon4125 (9)


Robert kirkman says Carl might not die Carl Has Three Chances To Live View all posts >


Spoilers ahead: To me psychologically Leo is healthy and more able to adapt to his changing environment as a growing teen. It was very important for him to make amends and reconcile with Remi's mom which he did. Also, I thought it was very symbolic when Leo broke his arm (he was broken both on the outside physically and on the inside psychologically/emotionally). Later, after reconciling with Remi's mom, you see Leo get his cast off and "slowly" start to move his wrist and arm again - or symbolically, he was also slowly healing from the inside wounds (emotionally) as well. I believe Leo will periodically go through various feelings of pain from his loss, but ultimately he will also go through various stages of healing and grow, live life and find happiness again. Now with that said, I can't say the same about Remi's parents. I'm sure they blame themselves (as it's only natural as a parent to blame yourself) and they will be in deep depression for a long time. As a parent, it's something you'll never "get over it" and is just a tragedy you learn to live with. Their lives are forever changed. While the movie doesn't really focus too much on the parents, as I recall, I think they move away and are no longer living at that house anymore. I thought this movie was incredible. Highly emotional and very intimate. The directing, acting, cinematography and score really drew me in. Loved it and I can't say enough about it. Beautiful movie. It's been a long time since I have seen a movie as exquisite as this about innocent childhood friendship. I would have to go back about 40 years to find another movie that captures the innocence and pain of childhood as this movie does. On a more general note, any and all relationships are fragile and should be cherished. All friendships have limits and consequences. Spoilers ahead.... Gary was The Last American Virgin. I would not say that Gary lost his virginity with that prostitute. If much of anything at all happened in that scene, he was disgusted by it and threw up. Either way, my take might be different than most in that he lost his virginity at the end of the movie - he lost his innocence. you can check the user reviews in IMDB - most don't seem to think so. Check out the trivia at IMDB. It says age of consent in New Mexico was 16 at the time so some scenes were filmed there while the rest was filmed in Arizona (where the age of consent was 18). I agree that the bite looked almost "too clean." The reason I say that is that IF the bite was two episodes back the least we know is that he did change his shirt since then which would lead me to believe that maybe some time had elapsed. But, the clean bite looked very recent. The reason he could possibly be immune is that in the Pilot episode in season one Rick was in the hospital and whatever IV/medication he had might make Rick immune. We also know that Carl has Rick's blood from the transfusions on the farm. Again, it's probably a stretch but possible. I've also read that it's possible that the walker bites might be coming less virulent over time. Anything's possible with this series but I would hate to see them kill Carl off. I think he's central to the story. The other thought I had was they will kill him off but not until he somehow kills Negan. There's lots of speculation and who knows how it will play out. Also, "coming of age" movies often have narration and are set in a different time. Midnight Express View all replies >