MovieChat Forums > Hyori2

Hyori2 (2)



Lol yes that's always a good idea, I am also voting with my wallet. I honestly haven't been very interested in the recent movies and I use to basically go to the movies so much I practically lived there. Everything you said is true, and I've noticed TV is the same way, not a lot of stuff appeals to me anymore. These companies are remaking things to death and are ruining them. They have zero creativity. No new ideas. I would love to have those entertaining movies again lol. Movies also used to be in such a demand they were literally "block busters" with lines of people around multiple streets corners and every crevice of the building. I don't know why but I loved seeing so many people excited to see movies. I remember, and your exactly right all these upcoming scriptwriters are writing too many plots with heavy messages that are supposed to be deep, but it makes me want to stop watching them because they lack "heart", and fun like you said. In many ways these films also feel very artificial and fake at times because the writers are trying to hard to make a film that will win them an award. I like some movies with messages, but I miss the days where people made something that was truly meant to be "entertainment". I still believe movies should be a getaway to escape from the stresses of our reality. And no your not over thinking this because it's a problem that almost all of my friends and family have notice about the state of current cinema. View all replies >