MovieChat Forums > OhHeyBro

OhHeyBro (361)


Awesome movie What a weak series finale What are you idiots doing? What the hell was the point of this movie? ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ... Where is everyone? Peter Dinklage's reaction to first reading the Season 8 script Petition to Remake Game of Thrones Season 8 with competent writers Season 8 episode 3 Hitler Rant Hitler spectating battle of winterfell View all posts >


No idea, but I do know I'm not clicking that dodgy looking link. 👍 Well said. I don't recall either. Think it was the first time. There are some recaps on youtube uploaded by (I think) the official channel. Tbh they are not very good though and skip over a lot of things. It's actually 2 episodes :) The first episode was actually kind of disappointing and poor for the shows standards, but the second one was great. Pretty good start to the season for the most part, but with a few things that may cause concern. I'd say like Episode 1 - 7/10 Episode 2 - 9/10 I'd really recommend avoiding the internet until you see them though, just in case. Did you mean to say Lalo? The line Saul says in Breaking Bad hints at Lalo still being alive, not Nacho. "Lalo didn't send you?" The line regarding Nacho was "it wasn't me, it was Ignacio", which works regardless of Nacho being alive or dead. Well? Don't know that movie so had to look her up. The woman in orange who worked at the radio station. Hell yeah she was He did look pretty great haha View all replies >