Mangled's Replies

Please, sweetie ... "Gun salt"? I know its hard for you, try reading these comments again, rock salt. Rock. Salt. You put it in a grinder and sprinkle it on your food. As regards to being a gun nut, I'm not even American and Trump can go eat a dick. You deserve him seeing as you were dumb enough to elect him, amiright? Ahh right, so men can't write female characters and, I assume, women can't write male characters... lol Not convincing. [quote]"Really, seems like a fairly reasonable and obvious argument but if you need to sold.." As per your examples, it could be a male vs a male foil, just like Vader and Luke. So, Rey being female just to a female foil, to me, doesn't seem like a strong enough reason. They haven't utilized her gender to make any kind of story point with it. People will say, "well, maybe in the next film." But, it's too late for that. Great writers establish characters gender as part of their story arc, so Rey being a girl should have a strong reason for being such as part of the story, and not "just because."[/quote] But we're not talking about Luke and Vader are we. So that's irrelevant to these characters in these films. "So, Rey being female just to a female foil, to me, doesn't seem like a strong enough reason." And you're conveniently ignoring all of the other reasons I stated that would that would make her character being female a "reasonable" decision. Again. It's about her being a contrasting character to her antagonist and gender is just another character trait that can achieve and strengthen that contrast. So, you asked for a reasoned answer I've given you what you asked for. But seeing as you brought Luke Skywalker into it how much time was spent justifying the gender of his character? None. He just was was he was. Nobody thought twice, and you don't seem to be having any trouble accepting that. [quote]"there is another major character who is male and she is the foil to that character." I don't totally buy this as a reason she is drawn as a female, but I see where you are coming from.[/quote] Really, seems like a fairly reasonable and obvious argument but if you need to sold... Kylo Ren is the dark side, Rey is the light. Kylo Ren is cruel and evil, Rey is (at the moment)compassionate and good. It's a binary thing 1 and 0. Kylo Ren yin to Rey's yang. So if Kylo Ren is male then for the purposes of the way the story and characters are constructed it makes so much more sense to have the foil to him be its natural opposite which is female to contrast this aspect of his character rather than have a droid or a wookie or a human man. Seems like a no brainer really. Also Ren and Rey are totally being set up to bang. He asks Rey to rule the galaxy with him and she get's flustered at seeing him half naked. And the "hate you but I love you but I hate you" romance the favourite dynamic in Star Wars. Yeah... but I'm bored! It is important to the story because there is another major character who is male and she is the foil to that character. Her being female allows for possible "will they wont they" or romantic attachment to that male character in future plot lines, because as "progressive" as Disney want to make out they are they're not going to have a gay romance front and center of a Star Wars film. Not until episode XVI at the earliest anyway. No I haven't. Have you? If you have, then surely you should have the insight to come up with an answer to your own question... Really? You consider this trolling? You must be some kind of extra special and delicate snowflake then, aren't you just precious? I just gave you one suitable to this interaction. Obviously not one you feel justifies a decision you spend too much time crying about. You might as well be asking "Why did Chewbacca need to be a Wookie?" or "why did C3PO need to be gold?" Give me a reasoned answer, if you can. Questions are not answers. Go... " It's a character, it's what they wanted to do, there's doesn't need to be any reasons other than: that's the decision they made when they wrote the script. Ok. She didn't need to be a girl. She just is. That seems like a reasonable enough answer for this level of discussion. Because your own question appears to pretty redundant in itself. You appear to be asking for justification for this creative decision. So some reasons from you as to why you are asking would allow the basis some kind of discussion, if that's what you even want. Until then "why not?" or "Why did the character need to be a boy?" are acceptable answers. Can you give reasoned response why they're not? To make things at least a tiny bit different from what was done before? Why does it even matter? No that's not fair. They're much better off going onto a forum and presenting their lack of basic understanding and comprehension as if they've just discovered a massive illogical plot hole that no one else who has ever seen the film has been clever enough to notice. Almost immediately after he shoots her Bud tells her when she's lying on the ground that "ain't nobody a bad ass with a double dose of rock salt that deep in their tits" and how much that shit must sting. So it's not lead shot. Maybe try paying attention to the film rather than looking at your phone all the time hmm? Don't get bald with me. The original flopped at the box office as well so it's not like that is an indicator of quality is it. If you liked it great, fuck what anyone else thinks about it. Maybe it's blessing it didn't do that well. Think about what would happen if it had been a block buster: We would be having the Bladerunner cinematic universe shoved down our throats for the next decade with increasingly inferior repetitive shit that we'd all end up hating. Just like the new Alien films. I don't mind waiting another 30 years or so for a third instalment if it is as good as this one. Yes there's scope for redemption there. But that's been done before. I thought he was set up for being much more of a villain than he ended up being. So season three I would like to see him and Mrs Wheeler having a torrid home wrecking affair and him being even more of a sadistic crazy bastard who meets a suitably gruesome and nasty end. Give him some credit, none of the kids died, or actually came to any harm. He was the one who got a beating. Steve was a fucking Dude.