MovieChat Forums > untildawna

untildawna (103)


Two & a Half Hours... Anyone else? (Spoilers) View all posts >


Look at you, losing your shit over a fucking movie lmfao. Get some therapy. I agree some of it was really stupid but I didn't find the girl being able to kill him the stupid part, it was how they got to that point that I found stupid. Dewey should have shot her in the head the moment he had her "knocked out" on the ground from the chest shots, instead of making him go back and then get distracted. I thought Judy and her sons death was pretty impactful, and probably the best sequence in the film. So for me at least Dewey's wasn't the only impactful death. So because Dewey is a man, he can't be killed by a girl? You said it yourself, he was distracted, you don't need to be superhuman to kill a man who's distracted. The entire franchise has always been meta so I don't get the complaint about this one being meta too? Unhinged villain chick was a complete bore until she went... well, unhinged. I absolutely agree with you about the actress who played Sam though, she was the clear weak link in the cast and her acting was pretty bad. I hope they ditch the idea of her being the new Sidney and kill her off in the opening if they make a sequel. The actress who played Tara was far better and could carry a film better. I couldn't even finish Annabelle and Paranormal Activity was not scary to me whatsoever. Not sure where you got that from. Who said I didn't appreciate or enjoy the film? I just thought the character development wasn't as good as it could have been. Chill out. At least he's not doing roids like The Rock. Since when have strong female characters NOT been a part of this series? It was great in its time imo. It hasn't aged very well at all though. People need to stop throwing it around as the scariest movie of all time, it's not doing the film any good when it comes to new audiences. Unless you are new to horror or see it while you are still really young it's just not going to have the same effect on most people today as it did back then(at least in regards to the scare factor). Because sometimes... gasp! They're actually better! Plenty of good remakes out there. Unfortunately this doesn't appear to be one of them. What classic was destroyed? My copy of the original Black Christmas is still in good condition and plays just fine. Don't be so dramatic. View all replies >