hootiehome's Replies

I watched it. I was silly, but did have clever moments. If this can at least be as good as Andor, I will be super happy. I also think it's her version of "what's up". I have never heard it outside this show though. I have also never lived in Baltimore. Kino Loy I think the children's laughter during end credits is a nod that the Human Project succeeded. I can see that. There are a few movies there I have not seen. Of the ones I have seen, I would replace 127 Hours with The Town. On a similar note, The Social Network would be my winner from that year. Like a creature that walks using two legs. Biped I agree that the insults really degrade the argument. However, Children of Men is the best movie I have ever seen. Not my favorite (which is LotR), but the best. And Pulp Fiction is an all-timer as well. 3EB is my favorite band that came out of the 90's. But since only two of their albums were released in that decade, may not qualify. Who else's opinion would they be stating? I was late to the Pearl Jam train, but really appreciate them now. 8/10 For real, you can skip MI:2, and it becomes a great series to watch. I skipped it when introducing my kids. Tier One: 1 5 Tier Two: 3 6 Tier 3: 4 7 Tier 86: 2 Olate Dogs won season seven. Getting back to this season, I was shocked that Adrian and Hurricane won. I was surprised when they made top five actually. There a few acts this year that deserved to win. Murmuration, Putri, and The Ramadhani Brothers, were the best for me. Tiers is they way to go!! GREAT 1. Mission Impossible 2. Rogue Nation GOOD 3. Fallout 4. MI3 OK 5. Dead Reckoning Pt 1 6. Ghost Protocol BAD 7. MI2 yeah, any list that does not have #2 as way behind the pack, is bunk. here's mine: 1, 5, 3, 6, 7, 4, ........ 2 You are correct. After chasing the RO and the Dallas for a bit it ends up hitting the sub that fired it. Do Re (Ray) EGON!!