Pesebrero's Replies

Well... I've seen many reviews trashing Interstellar too, so... I don't have Netflix, but I'm thinking to get this movie through other means. It looks similar to Alita, which is an okeish movie to me. But this one is being trashed like no other, I liked the trailer though. Why including ANY fornication scene in a movie? I'm pretty sure you didn't find Jake Gyllenhaal attractive either on Brokeback Mountain, but hey, I might be wrong. Ex Machina was a masterpiece, Sunshine was meh. I have yet to see Devs, I usually don't like series because of sluggish story, lazy twists/low blows and speculative writing. But Devs is one season only and, to my knowledge, not because of being a failure. I doubt such a dumb dialog took place in real life during the cultural revolution, where the militia dismiss science, the big bang theory and god at the same time. Probably usamerican propaganda, but I haven't read the source material. There's also a Chinese series, which is far more appreciated in its homeland than this one. The cherenkov tank scene also seemed ridiculous at first, it looked like Cerebro from Xmen. Actually, the real place exists, though it's not a cherenkov tank, but a cherenkov neutrino detector, which holds that giant tank. Maybe not so far fetched to be located at the same facility alongside a particle accelerator? I'm not an expert by any means, but I'd love to know more about it. Isn't Eiza González the hottest actress in the show? I usually have the same speech, but deep inside I'm dying to meet someone special. Not so far fetched, numbers are good enough, this will be huge at streaming too, and Villeneuve already has a script for Messiah. He just said he doesn't want to rush it. It doesn't suck. But Nolan adds nothing to it. I feel like the same movie could've been made by any other director and be as good... and maybe 1 hour shorter. How do you report an user here? You again preaching about the book? I don't know, maybe Giedi Prime's atmosphere, or the baby food they eat made them bald, but they're still humans clearly. I don't expect a movie to be exactly like the source material, no matter if it's a book, a comic or a videogame. A movie is a different entity, or "universe" if you like. You belong with Marvel comic book fans, go bark with them. There are many posts about this movie because a remake was just released a few months ago. Well, not a remake, actually a retelling of the same story. She reminded me of Michelle from American Pie, she talks exactly like her in that interview. Her being with Logan was a setup, I'd say watch the movie again... but it's not worth your time, just look for a recap. You just don't remember the movie. And yes, she wore less makeup than in John Carter for sure, but that doesn't mean she wasn't wearing any. Actually, there is a Cobra Kai vibe in the first two movies. In the first one, there's even a similar joke when Donnie tells Rocky about "the cloud". I don't think this was dark at all, especially comparing it to the first two Rocky movies. Remember how Paulie got his sister into a coma, and almost make her lose her baby. She was also in 50 First Dates and The Lake House, buy probably as little more than an extra, I can't even remember her in these movies. I think they're far from broke. Its implied Rocky is now managing Mickey's gym, so he probably bought the place after Rocky VI. And I don't think he's making money out of it at all, he's probably running it like an NGO. Also, I don't think he made that much money from the Dixon fight, it was an exhibition, with some of the proceedings going to charity, according to the organizers. At some point, it's likely he helped out his son, after he quit his job. As for Adonis, he moved to LA and it's an expensive place to live. But probably Rocky also taught Donnie not to live an opulent life, after his own experience. He said more than once he doesn't care about money. He knows all the money in the world won't bring back Adrian. Yes, X-Men Origins: Wolverine.