blue1981's Replies

We will probably know about a release closer to the end of this year. Tonsils at 5 Herniated disc repair on my lower back at 31. Under, I'm 42 right now. The prequel trilogy as it was a planned three film story arc. True Lies Terminator 2 Total Recall Gross, it makes these people look like cult followers. Biden hasn't said one thing he wants to do in a second term. I'll tell you why because he wants to remain in charge out of ego while his handlers continue to burn America to the ground. Trump has gotten his message out through "Agenda 47" and "Project 2025" knowing its going to take years if not decades to undo the historic levels of harm done to America by the Biden Regime. It's been a long time since I watched this movie but being directed by Stone I didn't think he did anything to acknowledge conspiracy theorists. The movie is a tribute to the First Responders. Even Asians can't have stories rooted in reality. Glenn Powell will have a bigger role as his star power has increased significantly. Klitz in the Girl Next Door. He didn't direct Waterworld. 2 and 3 are the best movies in the series. I love me some good from Waffle House!!! I saw it in theaters but it was a digital version I' tried selling it but got no takers on Ebay. Daniel Perry also had his gun rights restored. Arrowhead Stadium(Chiefs) and Kauffman Stadium(Royals) are about 45 mins to an hour away from my home depending on traffic. Another movie I wish I could have been there to see in theaters when it was first released is Lawrence of Arabia. That was organized and executed by plants within the FBI and other government organizations to usher in the Authoritarian Biden Regime which has hunted down people for being political dissenters. If Trump is reelected he must pardon and free all non violent political prisoners immediately. To that I say the Riots of 2020 went largely unpunished by our political leaders and was encouraged by them and the media. Camel Toe Harris helped set up bail out funds for those rioters and she should be charged with treason.