MovieChat Forums > Effie21

Effie21 (106)


Peppermint Patty Terrible sound quality Drunks Horrible Rob Zombie territory Irritatingly dumb kids... Spoilers Should have been called Heavy Breather Just cannot buy it Absolutely pointless Awful View all posts >


From what I understand, he didn't intend to kill him, he just wanted to rob him to pay for the abortion. He just hit him too hard as he describes his intention to only "tap" Colbert on the back of the head but ended up accidentally killing him. This is precisely how I feel. Rosemary was betrayed by everyone she loved and trusted, including her own husband. The fact that Guy could do that to her is terrifying enough for me. You are fucking nuts. Make sure you don't go and shoot through the floor of Comet Pizza because you were brainwashed to believe there were kids being molested in its nonexistent basement. I really hope that after 7 years, you have smartened up, but I doubt it. Still a qanon/magat loon to the end, huh? Please do not ever vote again. You are clearly not smart enough to make good choices. No. Everything is "woke" to you Ben Shapiro dick-sucking losers. You fools can't even define what woke is, yet you love to sling that word around as if you have a clue. Please, go fuck yourself with a chainsaw, and stop inflicting your misogynistic inceldom on the rest of us. Most people are simply tired of dipshit morons like you, and your pathetically desperate culture wars. Whoever this loser is they can go fuck themselves. Christians put themselves in a bad light and then wonder why they are portrayed that way. It's hilarious watching these Christian bigots who want to make the US government a theocracy, ban books, want to make gays disappear, are full of racism, and control women like property, bitch about shit like this. Please, take a very, very long walk off of a short pier. People have always done hideous shit in the name of religion, so they are being portrayed as they fucking are. I don't like them either. I have always thought these types of episodes along with "best of" episodes are just lazy. I always skip them. Cry baby snowflake. Go back to 4chan where you belong. Heart surgery? The guy was getting elective chest surgery to make his chest look bigger. Lol. He wasn't getting any type of life-saving or necessary surgery at all. Tv Dinner Carlson would never lift a pinky to fight for anything. He, of course, would send his army of rubes to do it for him. View all replies >