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MavKilledGoose (784)


"Anne Hathaway Is Done Trying to Please" Ethan in the Record Store S05E11 -- The Moronic but Hailed as Brilliant "Confessions" Video Does this still hold up? His Paul Walker Impression was Unnerving... Penn's Background (spoiler) Studio Wanted One of the Leads to Live in Order to have a Franchise... Spoiler - Showdown with the Bad Guy References to Groundhog Day... But... Go Woke, Go Broke View all posts >


"A bet is a tax on bullshit." I will bet you that Trump is not set up a sa "cold blooded killer" next. If Trump is indicted on a murder one charge, then you win. The time frame is the current year. The bet is that the loser must never post on this forum ever again (even under a pseudonym). Deal? Or do you want to admit you're full of shit? When has Spielberg ever said a recently released film is bad? A filmmaker criticizing a just-released movie is not only ill-mannered, but it invites retaliation. Spielberg is like Cruise: an ambassador and a political actor. The old joke in Hollywood is that if you've seen a movie and liked it, you praise it as great (i.e., better than you thought it was). If you've seen a movie and didn't like it, then, when asked, you say you haven't gotten around to watching it yet. Hence the first sentence of this post. This is way more than what normal movies make (which is not even that much when counting all ancillary revenue), but this isn't a normal movie. It's a summer movie with an early May release date, and the studio is surely disappointed. No matter how you slice it, $28M is a soft opening for this type of product. The article does not compare it to Marvel or Avatar; it's being compared to The Lost City and Bullet Train. Maybe. At one point she talks about wanting to do something naughty, so the interviewer tells her to do it "off the record." OPer was mentally ill, but I was skipping through Time Cop, and it was extremely similar to Minority Report. In Time Cop (32:50 mark), police officer Van Damme takes an autonomous vehicle to his house, voice activates his television, starts drinking like a champ, and replays an old home movie of his dead wife. He's watched the video umpteen times because he recites dialogue before it's spoken. Minority Report more or less does the same thing, except Cruise consumes futuristic drugs, the home movies replay as holograms, and he has a dead kid instead of a dead wife. Still, I wouldn't say it's a rip off as both scenes are terribly generic. Minority Report is superior because Cruise is a better actor and the sci-fi is more interesting. I don't see why it should be surprising if poor people are more likely to procreate than rich people. We're in an evolutionarily novel environment that has been shaped by culture, which moves far more rapidly than natural selection. Men with more sexual partners are less likely to have children than men with the fewest partners (above zero). People who are highly religious and poorly educated tend to have a lot of kids. Education should have a skull and crossbones when it comes to passing along one's genes. Your non-replies are instructive. I'm not sure who you think you're fooling. It's nice you've abandoned the pretense of an argument for weak insults. This has been fun. ... If they weren't, then criminals would still be using guns... but they're not. They resort to substitutes. All other things being equal, knives are less deadly than guns, so it's a win. The overall level of violence is down. The big boy purpose of laws is not to eliminate crime, but to reduce it. Re: Illinois vs. Indiana A profoundly stupid straw man. You're conflating a vector with a monocausal explanation. Do you think the reason Texas has a lot of illegal immigrants is because they have a border wall and agents, and the reason Wyoming does not is because they lack those things? In terms of violence/organized crime, there ARE other factors. A big one is population density (and the things that come with it, like organized crime). Re: CDC You cite "Bureau of Crime and Labor" in your copy/pastah. I can find no Bureau of Crime and Labor. You also suggest the findings are from the CDC. This is unlikely. It appears some similar stat had been cited or linked by the CDC at one point, but it was removed, in all likelihood because it's bogus research for the reasons I mentioned above. Here's a link you'll find favorable: You did say something correct when you mentioned "lack of solid data." It's almost certainly not due to year-to-year variability in data. The wide range because it's a bogus methodology that one cannot place any confidence in. "What? Go ahead. Show me the 'controlled data' of whites being as violent." That is not what I claimed. Please read for comprehension. I said gun availability matters, which is why you can compare whites with high rates of gun availability to whites with low gun availability, and discover the former is higher. I gave another example comparing Black populations. You dumb racists are so exhausting. Just look into your malevolent soul: Why do you think Southern states (and racist non-Southern states) prevented Blacks from getting guns? If you think guns don't make a difference, then you wouldn't care if Black people are armed. Speaking of being armed... Re: Blades, blunt objects etc. vs. Guns Yes, people can be killed umpteen different ways. And yet, firearms are one of the most effective. Why do gun rights actvists prefer guns on their nightstand to a brick? If you have a 10-year old, does he have access to a baseball bat? Golf club? A large rock in the backyard? Kitchenware? So there's no difference than if he could get his hands on Glock as he pleases? One of the more retarded arguments I'll see is people who say that after a country like Australia imposes strict laws against firearms is someone who says there's a jump in knife crime. That shows gun laws are working... Agreed. Sorkin's basically full of shit. In Sports Night he has a lead character say something along the lines that he's ambitious for the reason all men are ambitious -- to impress a woman. Social Network is more about Sorkin's view of what drives young men than what actually drove Mark Zuckerberg, so his comments about this unnamed studio executive are likely self-righteous lies. View all replies >