theshackbluray's Replies

Abercrombie was clearly suspicious when James said that Mildred was with him at the bar. I think it's a safe bet that he would've questioned bar patrons who were there that night for corroboration. I mean, it was so obvious that even Dixon figured it out. There were two other parts that required suspension of disbelief as well. First, Abercrombie wouldn't have let Mildred get away with burning down the police station. Second, getting Dixon in the police station while Mildred burned it down was contrived. Dixon being told to wait until after hours to pick up Willoughby's letter at the police station made little sense, especially when he was further instructed to leave his keys in the station. How would he have locked the door when he left? It would've been much easier for the one cop to meet Dixon outside right after the call, give him the letter and get the keys. Regardless, these are minor gripes about an excellent movie.