MovieChat Forums > imjustasking

imjustasking (141)


Waiting For It To End Taral Hicks Hot So all of this was about... What happened(it was hard to interpret) Much Better Than I Expected The real ? Loved It-spoilers Gives Biopic Impression I Like Roscoe So hard to watch View all posts >


Katy was hot on 2 and a half men.I know what you mean. Maybe intentionally symbolic by the director....nice observation. I liked when Toby straightened those punks out at the gas station. Driver was just cruising for trouble---and got it. Toby really kicked some *ss. And also make a bio with an all female cast of the Beatles story, just to be fair. Very late to be replying but it's a great film. My 5th watch.I think Dennis Lehane also wrote Gone, Baby, Gone and either way that was a super movie too. I watch this movie just for that scene. I thought it was just me. Then when the victim points to Allen at the airport(?) it gives me some sort of closure. But yeah,that stare Graysmith is wide-eyed and Allen actually looks nauseated---that's memory burned in me. You said it. Throw enough red herrings and it appears more complex/deep and you start to think maybe you just didn't "get it". No. It was just another assembly-line Netflix reject. Just had to reply. He was so pathetic (but hilarious) with so many lines and never had a clue about women, what a character.And that name. And that mother.And his wardrobe. And his hair.And his nose. I could go on,,, She played the woman George dated to get his unemployment extended on Seinfeld(if you recognize her voice). I've seen her in other shows I can't remember right now(Cheers?). Her voice is a character in itself and was an excellent inclusion in the show. To get laughs from people without appearing visually "speaks" for itself. RIP and thanks for the laughs. Look up Shandling's stand-up in Vegas? or anywhere. I think.There's some on yTube and it beats any comedy on the show---but I do like the show. I grimaced because that is our natural disgust mechanism.And also naturally, I like attractive women.It was something David Lynch would do. View all replies >