
Alex (1489)


Fugly lead with resting b*tch face Needed more kill variety imho but the ending didnt bother me like the rest of the folks here. Just have the killers' home address on file why dont ya LMAO Tyler retarded? Spoilers. Episode 1 - Some spoilers Lana Lang's family is annoying, irritating and runtime padding garbage TV (Did I switch the channel?) Spoiler about the plot giveaway What a beautiful girl! Take a shot everytime... Sigh... View all posts >


Yeah, it is your bad. Being a tranny brainwasher and all. Psychiatry - Shmychiatry. I dont differentiate between the types of crazy. They all just need different meds for each specific condition. They certainly dont need no fucking life altering surgeries in order to bend reality to their fantasies. Capiche? Not like most modern "scientists" are being pressured into proving that transgenderism is a real thing and not a mental health issue just like all the Asylum patients who believe they're Napoleons or Genghis khans, etc. His wife is black. Any other questions? Not in this show's case tbh. Chick is fine and actually a white hetero girl. Did you even watch the show? OP is full of shit, that's how. Bet he noticed that one tranny in the 1st episode and ran here immeditealy to call it out. Just because you dont find her attractive doesnt make her a tranny my delulu pal. I guess you're full of shit after all. Seethe, mald, cope. Exactly. If OP counted 4, its up to him to at least give their character names. Otherwise, he's full of shit. Are you retarded? I asked him to point out the other 3 he recognized and he wouldnt answer. Probably cause he's full of shit, just like your lying ass. View all replies >