MovieChat Forums > Yggdrasil

Yggdrasil (12)


"He can't be God" Does anyone else ship Ivy and Tim? Well, that sucked Is season 2 any good still? What a failure View all posts >


I happen to think that was hilarious! You mean the rabbit woman right? It's scarier than most 'horror' movies and shows. It's just not about a teenager getting stabbed by a slasher. USS Callister Nosedive White Christmas Yeah. I've given it some more thought: movies with an offensive and dark premise (like a HS massacre) need to be REALLY clever/satirical or have a good message. This movie failed so hard that it just left me feeling nauseous. If you're gonna make a satirical movie about such a loaded topic it'd better be a masterpiece. I'm still hype. Hype for THE BOWL. Cleganebowl 2019 get hype bois! There's a lot of angry little 'men' on the internet (not real men). Yeah, god forbid it's a group of 4 clams instead of 4 dicks for once. View all replies >