HazzleDazzle's Replies

I just started reading the book. Brooke was a dancer. She took ballet and tap. She also says in the movie in her dreams she is dancing. Lol me too. This is a reply to the original poster and I doubt you will even see it but I’m replying anyway. I agree with you on everything. Years ago in an early interview of Dustin’s after the show had ended he was talking abut always feeling left out and in the way. I always remembered that. I too was a shy bullied kid and even my own family made me feel in the way and just too much trouble. I’m watching Dustin’s dad and my mom was the same thing. Anything she did for me she expected something like a bow and standing ovation. I was told I owed her for things a parent is suppose to do. It tough growing up like that. I can see the cast ignoing too. I feel bad for him. I agree the guy playing Zach looks like he has on a bad wig. I went on some auditions as a preteen and teen. This was in FL around 1989 when the Disney’s Channel filmed shows & movies in FL like The New Mickey Mouse Club. Anyway, open auditions allow anyone to audition. So even if the character is described as a certain race or even looks like hair color the casting department is open to other ideas of how the character looks or acts. They are open to different ideas. I was told that is what open auditions meant not just open to public. So when they saw Lark read as Lisa she gave a new spin on the character and they loved it. I agree. I found that odd Good point That’s called pantsing and it’s a joke kids & teens do to others as a way humiliate them. Similar to a wedgie. Nothing sexual about it. I agree you have a twisted mind. I did. I was a teenager and loved it. I hardly recognized Howie. At that time I knew him because of his crazy hair. High school for me was hell. I was glad to get out. I didn’t even bother with college. I was lucky to graduate high school You are posting on the board of the old show but I guess you are talking about the new one. So far they have not been mentioned. When she said I thought that couldn’t be right. I knew she had to be older. My parents didn’t spank me or my sister. My husband and I did spank. I was stunned one day when my mom admitted her and my dad should have been stricter and spanked. So maybe Roseanne saw she made a mistake not doing it. I noticed that too. I’ve been wondering the same thing. Rosannes youngest was mentioned in the first episode. He’s joined the service.