Thunderbird's Replies

Idk if this is true and I'm not gonna rewatch the movie to see, but when she first out the book in the fire, wasn't she wearing a jacket of some sort? Could it be that the jacket was her husband's? Hear me out. The jacket itself was what caught on fire, not her skin. And if it was his item then it would make sense why a small part of the jacket caught fire. But, I mean it could also have been the demon doing that to make her believe that she would be sacrificing herself when really it would be sacrificing the husband to get him out of the way? The other day I realized how much he looks and acts like Topher Grace. What never made sense to me was the indiscriminate killing. The killing at random means you're killing good people even who actually contribute to society and leaving scummy people behind who will continue to be scummy people and benefit nothing to the new world you've created so, how does that help anyone? For example, you've randomly gotten rid of a highly skilled doctor but left a child molester. What logic is that? I would have to agree, it was the fact that it escalated quickly when we had only ever seen Monty beat someone up in a lesser since. What also got me was, despite showing he could be violent, his character never struck me as someone sadistic or actually angry, more like a follower if anything. That could either be the way the actor played him or the lack of real attention to his character up until the point of the few prior scenes before the scene with Tyler by the writers. Either way, it was disturbing mostly in that it's very sporadic and out of character for Montgomery. That's really just my opinion on it. To be very honest, I don't understand why they decided to show the rape graphical but then the actor who plays Tyler didn't show any issues after, such as severe blood loss, severe internal bleeding, the inability to sit on his bottom, feeling weak and honestly, after the beating to his head, even being conscious. All in all, it was disturbing for what we were given. After what happened in season 2 they may be alluding to his possible homosexual tendencies. They can easily duck out of Alex being in love with Jessica in a romantic sense and have him just have been scared to admit he was gay to himself and the world which confused him into thinking he was romantically in love with Jessica and sexually attracted to her. I'd honestly love to see that be a secret between him and Jessica after the ending of season 2. It wouldn't make me dislike her as much then.