moviefanatic505's Replies

Guarantee someone like you doesn't have the balls to say that to someone's face. American Sniper was a garbage film. So yeah no thanks. Neither are Expendables. So guess we are even. Also not true. Aliens is plenty popular as is kill Bill. Doesn't matter. Movies don't need to be based on reality. And no plenty of female action heroes are iconic, loved and taken seriously. Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley, the bride, Trinity, Furiosa etc. just because you dislike female action heroes does it mean the world does. You don't speak for the rest of the world only yourself ace. No basis when it comes to what I stated. Therefore if it's ok for a guy to defy reality like that it's ok for a woman. No male action hero has defied gravity or taken on a room of 30 people without taking a single blow. So no there is no basis for a guy doing that. Bullshit! Which means with fantasy elements it's not based on realism. I never said a woman could. Again you attempt to move the goal post. I said you hold female action heroes to realism but you don't do it for males. That was what I said ace. Again moving the goal post. So does a Batman film have fantasy elements? If so that means it doesn't have to follow realism ace. Doesn't matter, that was the stipulation and you failed to meet it. You attempted to make up your own. You failed ace. How does the rest of the movie disprove my point? I can point to wire work used in fist of legend where gravity is defied also. Anytime it's a Batman film, there is a realm of fantasy involved. Period. We aren't talking about IMDb, you again moved the goal post. I thought you said Warner brothers and the director? I was specifically referencing that scenario. Nobody can do that. You failed to meet that stipulation. See how you move the goal post? I didn't say that in that film Jet Li took no blows. I said in that fight he didn't. So no actually my statement was consistent. Batman is not a real character. There is an element of fantasy no matter how you adapt that character. You accept fantasy in Batman Returns yet nowhere else? Did Tim Burton or Warner Bros specifically state that returns was s fantasy film? In that fight Jet Li took no blows. I was referencing that fight not the entire film. So no you attempted to move the goal post again. You originally tried to apply realism to films that films that wre never trying to be realistic. I'm glad I go lt your confession that Kill Bill is a fantasy. So that means Kravitz Catwoman can be considered a good character because she's in a fantasy film lol. Oh yeah it does. Which is why you triedg to create your own stipulation. Which in Kill Bill they are using wirework and defying gravity. Therefore it's fantasy ace. No you tried to say it was realistic.. Nope I had a stipulation you could t meet, so you decided to try and make your own. You failed ace. And people still died from gunshots and cuts. So by your logic that makes it realistic. Not when it comes to defying gravity and doing wirework. Yet you say nothing about that. However if a woman does it it's an issue. Yep but it doesn't mean it's real. Kill bill is not realistic ace. Doesn't matter. I had a stipulation, you failed to meet it ace. Then why are people able to defy gravity by floating very high in the air? Is that real? Stupidest thing you could have said. In Star wars it shows people die from lethal rounds and gunshots as well. Is that real? I never said it was. That's another thing male action heroes often do that isn't realistic. It's fine if a man does that but a woman can't do it. That's your logic. People in fantasy die from common fatal wounds. That doesn't mean it's trying to be real. Your bullshit is dismissed ace. Nope I have you a stipulation and you tried to make your own. You failed ace. And where in kill bill did it establish rules that people have to adhere to reality? It's a fictional movie where stylized action takes place. Notice how you say nothing about jet Li using wire work in his movies to defy gravity. Yet if it's a woman that does it you get upset. In fiction you write your own set of rules. There was no rule in kill bill that stated the film was bound to realism. Just like crouching tiger hidden dragon. Choke on it. Nope not true. It made it more grounded fantasy that doesn't mean it's trying to be realistic. You are confusing the two. So nope fail again. You did try and apply realism to kill bill. So now I have you on record lying. We are wrapping this up bud. I'm satisfied with beating your ass in this debate. Have a good one bud. I even gave you leeway to prove it. I said find a guy who fights 30 guys one at a time consecutively who doesn't take a blow. You couldn't meet that stipulation ace. What are the rules in fiction? Did you seriously just make a stupid statement like that? Batman Returns goes for a dark serious tone. So that must be ruined by pfieffer surviving 4 consecutive gunshots huh? Either realism applies or it doesn't you don't get to pick and choose. Doesn't matter. That's totally irrelevant. Kill Bill did not go that. It's a work of fantasy fiction just like crouching tiger hidden dragon. Nope it's a stipulation you failed to meet ace. I don't hold men to real life standards. It's why I can enjoy an action film where heroes do physically impossible feats. The difference is you want to pick and choose where realism applies. Kill Bill isn't based on reality. Therefore her doing physically impossible things is acceptable. The same way Pfeiffer's Catwoman can survive 4 consecutive gunshots. The same way I don't bat an eye when Jet Li takes many opponents without taking a blow or physically defies gravity in an action film. Now if the film is going for realism or it's a documentary then that logic would apply. Most action films aren't going for total realism, that's what makes stories imaginative and fun. Your education was free today. You lost this debate badly ace. Doesn't matter that was the stipulation. You failed to meet it ace. Is kil Bill based on reality? Yes or no? Doesn't matter. Once you have proof provide it. Until then shut the hell up. That wasn't the stipulation I had. You made up your own. I didn't say a man couldn't fight multiple opponents you idiot. I said he couldn't take 30 people consecutively without taking a single blow. That was the stipulation and you failed to meet it. So no ace you don't get to make up your own stipulation. You failed to meet the stipulation, it's time to own up to that ace. Kill Bill isn't a realistic film. It's indicated by the fact by its homage to martial arts films which use wire work for physically impossible feats of people defying gravity. Used in films like crouching tiger hidden dragon. Tarantino made that clear. So um no you don't get to use the realism excuse here. If Pfeiffer's Catwoman can be excused for being removed from reality then so can the bride. You lost this debate so badly. No actually not true. Not when measuring it on earth. Admit it ace you got fucking schooled here. Once you have evidence of a real life predator creature on earth get back to me. Until then I can state the feature doesn't exist. Abd if you say I haven't researched all the stars well you haven't researched every fight on earth. Remember chief your logic. See I love this. You will state well show me a video of a woman beating a man. Yet when I ask you to show me a clip of a guy taking on 30 people consecutively without taking a blow you say well I don't have footage but it's possible. You see the hypocrisy here? I didn't state a person can't overcome odds, I said no guy is taking 30 people consecutively without taking a blow. And you can't showcase a guy doing that. There are other things male action heroes for that do that would not be possible in real life. No woman has ever survived 4 consecutive gunshots like Pfeiffer's Catwoman. Yet you accept that because it's a fantasy. Guess what so is kill bill. Why is it acceptable for Pfeiffer's Catwoman to survive that but we hold the bride to realism on Kill Bill? Then we can go by what's been documented about a predator creature. Based on the results we have nothing to pull from to support that creature existing. Also remember you go buy possibility not odds remember? If we go by odds then the predator creature existing isn't in your favor genius.