AGeckoBrother199's Replies

lol LOL. Out of the two I am more like Seth. I'll put the work in and get the job done as cleanly and efficiently as possible then have a drink. Thank you. I do intend to post on some of the other boards. I have noticed that like you said that it is less frantic here. Not sure if that is a good thing or not lol. Yes I really liked Dusk Till Dawn and I am a big fan of George Clooney as well as Robert Rodriquez and Quentin Tarantino. Tarantino did have that look. You could tell the hostages at the start of the film were terrified. I read somewhere that Salma Hyek's character's name was derived from a Mexican horror film of the 70's. I think the misspelling in this case sounds better than the actual word. I has forgotten about the trucker's license that Jacob has produced so they could stay in the bar. It was a brilliant bit of acting. Seth's line right before he is forced to kill Richie always struck me. His brother has just turned into a vampire and the others are holding him down. Seth says something along the lines of "Here is the peace in death I could not give you in life." Then he uses the butt of his .44 to hammer in the stake. The line to me had a little Of Mice and Men feel to it. I do wonder if it was also an acknowledgement of Richie's illness. I really thought that the first half was the strongest with the second half being a nice surprise. I felt that both John Hawkes (the liquor store clerk) and the late Michael Parks (Earl McGraw) performances were understated. However I did sort of feel that the actor portraying Scott, Earnest Liu was the weakest as he seemed very unsure of himself on camera. Yep. That is a great point about the end of the film. Like you mentioned Kate wanted to go to El Rey with Seth but he felt it would be too dangerous. He was already feeling responcible for Scott and Jacob's death not to mention Richie's. Despite his own issues he did not want Kate's death on his conscience if something did happen to her. Richie was paranoid and psychopathic. It was probably environmental causes that shaped his personality. I suspected that Seth was aware but because of his own issues didn't dwell on it except if something major happened. The shoot out at Benny's Liquor store and the hostage's death at the motel were specific examples. Okay. I'll buy that. Who knows what would have happened had Richie not been bitten and then killed by Seth with the wooden stake? I read somewhere that Seth was not without his own issues. He may have been exhibiting sociopathic signs yet that wasn't explored. Thanks for the reply. Yes I agree that Richie would have either killed Seth or contributed to his death. In a way it was probably a good thing that Richie was bitten and Seth had to kill him. I thought his line about here is the peace I give you in death that I could not give you in life is very interesting and it shows that he loved his brother despite all of the things that happened prior to arriving to the Titty Twister. I do think that somewhere in the back of his mind Seth was aware that his brother was disturbed but as you mentioned he was refusing to believe it. There were I think little clues scattered through out the film. The conversation that Jacob and Seth had in the motor home about Kate's safety comes to mind.