MovieChat Forums > Xan > Replies

Xan's Replies

No kidding. But I prefer to look at it as a failure by the writers to motivate their main villain. It bothered me throughout the movie. I found Thanos unconvincing, and more confusing and irritating than menacing, because of it. In a different universe, I myself might have been Thanos. What I mean by that is that if I had the power, I too would want to do something about overpopulation in order to reduce suffering. But just killing a bunch of people is a six-year-old's idea of a solution. Because it's evil, but even more importantly, because, like you point out, it's only a temporary fix. Put just a tiny bit of thought into it, and it should occur to you that gradually reducing reproductive ability is the least destructive option. Presumably the infinity stones can get that done with a snap of the fingers, too. After seeing the movie, I've been told that Thanos was somewhat better motivated in the comics. Something about wanting to give his death-loving crush a bunch of souls, or whatever. See, comic book silly as that notion is, it makes more sense than what the movie went with, which is Thanos basically being stupid.