MovieChat Forums > danton90

danton90 (8)


The "Forgetting" Topic/Misconception View all posts >


I thought the movie was amazing; but even I admit the comedy was out of place most of the time. What good would that do for her? She's been down there for 33 years. To them, the imposter IS the real Adelaide. In the cult doctrine that they went by, the sex of the body of which Paimon died is the sex that he had to return in. It said something about dying a male has to come back in a male, something like that. I have no clue why Ellen thought that Charlie was Paimon reincarnated, but since her birth, she knew she needed to get her into a male's body, hence Charlie's line that "Grandma wanted me to be a boy." At one glance, it'd be easy to write off the cultists as nutjobs, but there was clearly occult and otherworldly things going on throughout the movie, so whether they were right or wrong, something was happening. I'm actually not sure Paimon's spirit ever even surfaces in the movie. I think the evil spirit doing the wrong doings in the movie was that of Ellen's actually. Ellen's spirit screwing with Annie, "stalking" Charlie, influencing her death so that her spirit would be free to get into Peter's vessel. Then eventually taking over Annie's body and killing her. I think the conversation (argument) between Peter and Annie where she told him that she didn't want to keep him when she was pregnant (which turned out to be a dream anyway) implied that Peter was not fathered by Steve, maybe even the result of her cheating or being raped. To go through such lengths to get rid of a child and for no really explained reason, leaves the audience to infer why. That's what I came to. I don't think Peter is Steve's biological son. But the way Steve protects him and cares for him, I think it may have been by means that was out of his or her control (rape). I thought The Witch was a garbage self-serving boring slug of a movie. This movie on the other hand stayed interesting from moment to moment transcending and seemingly switching genres throughout. I don't think she was exactly expected a "reward". I think her devotion to Paimon and her quest to bring him back was her reward. She believed that Charlie would be the reincarnation of Paimon and that Charlie needed a male's (her brother's) body to be perfect. So what she pretty much got out of it was seeing this plan through, to get Charlie's spirit into Peter's body. Was Charlie Paimon? I don't think so at all. From the look on Charlie/Peter's face at the end of the movie, she seemed just as perplexed about what was going on as the audience. But that's a theory for another day. This is like if mother! actually worked. I got the same kind of vibe from this movie as I got from mother! but I didn't leave the theater wishing I could get my time and money back. View all replies >