MovieChat Forums > B1cKsurN

B1cKsurN (15067)


UK Getting Something Right...will not sign up for tyranny. Happy Mother's Day! Chris Cuomo is coping about his 'long covid' Watching this in my 40s... One of James Spader's best roles... Trump slowly taking over blue states... Unrealized Gains Tax: INSANE "CULT" - The Most Meaningless Word in 2024 Great Movie! Leftists want Trump supporters dead or exiled from the USA View all posts >


Do you actually believe the nonsense you type? is your mouth broken? You do it. Anyone paste the Cliff Notes from this wall of text? He can't. Presidents can only serve two terms. Consecutive, or non-consecutive. It's like 14% where are you getting your fake numbers? Snopes was originally the Urban Legend database until 2016. It was actually a very cool website back then and it was fun reading about all the old and new urban legends and non-political conspiracy theories like New Coke switch and stuff like that. In 2016, they jumped on this fack-checking nonsense and were caught several times editing their information in real-time which got them labeled as a Fake News site. They kinda killed their own credibility a long time ago. Tell that to Ashli Babbit. Pfizer is escaping criticism by sponsoring all the cable news channels and networks. That tweet still has no notes on it. Literally nothing to base this on... This and blood clots made me nope out of that shit real fast. People have recency and personal biases, so unless things happen to themselves or people close to them...they will not believe something is happening, regardless of the information you present. Evidence such as this. View all replies >