hoggle99's Replies

Older Trek is also another good example. I can watch Roddenberry Trek and analyze all the early existential ideas that he depicted in his series/movies. But there's a boat load of Star Trek fans out there that just watch it because it's a fun character driven space adventure. And their eyes would gloss over if I were to talk about the Nietzchean perspectives on egalitarianism, religion, purpose, etc. We're both watching the same thing, but we're getting something totally different out of it. And if I feel like it, I can turn my brain off and get the fun space adventure bit, because it's not all about the message. There's a fun story in there too. The story elements are not glazed over in order to promote a specific agenda. And even then, the commentary in that show was about enlightenment, not identity. Because identity politics is the literal antithesis of egalitarianism, and Roddenberry was all about egalitarianism. The 100 is a show that actually has identity politics. But the story doesn't so completely hinge on its politics, and the sci-fi concept is developed enough so that I can shut off my brain and just enjoy the sci-fi show. It's not great writing, but I can still enjoy it. You can only get one thing out of Sense8. There was a really cool concept in Sense8. But that concept was not vetted well enough, it was 90% focused on the message(and only 90% is being generous). Because if I ignore the commentary, it's just an undeveloped sci-fi show. Like I said in the previous post, it was like a first draft of a cool sci-fi concept. I was in to it in the beginning. Like if they dedicated enough screen time to condense that 2 season + finale arc in to just the 1st season, I would have really liked the show; and it would probably still be running. But it was so focused on agenda and just really pretentious superfluous scenes at the expense of pushing the narrative of the story arc, it was off putting to me. The show just went nowhere fast. The pacing was slower than a 24 episode serial, and they only had 13 episodes a year? Regardless of politics, that's just bad screen writing. There's so many places they could go narratively with that concept. It's just too bad the Wachowski's heads were so far up their own asses to be able to explore it. I can watch almost any sci-fi/fantasy show/film. The only one I can think of that I 100% didn't like was In the Name of the King with Jason Statham. And I watched that when I was younger and took myself more seriously. I'd wager I'd get a laugh out of it now with Ray Liotta playing Ray Liotta dressed up as a mage. So if I don't like something, there's going to be a good reason. Identity politics has existed for millenia. It has infiltrated our schools, corporate policies, and legislation. Since the advent of social media, we are inundated by identity politics like never before. It is the core of our sociopolitical landscape. No, it's not just a "buzz word". Equity policies, diversity quota's, affirmative action, these are all identity politics because the ideologues are not based on merit, but rather identity. It's a very real thing. When a creator(ie. wachowski's, kennedy, etc.) goes out of their way to tell you how diverse a cast or story is, that is an agenda. It inevitably bleeds through to the script because the creators motivation IS the agenda. In a show like GoT, it is not trying to depict hetero sex, or gay sex, it is either informing the character or pushing the narrative. And even still that show has less nudity and on screen sex than Sense8. I would wager that sex scene in the finale of Sense8 has more on screen sex run time than the first 3 seasons of GoT combined. Sense8 is a first draft of a cool sci-fi concept strung together by a bunch of LGBTetc. PSA sex scenes. It is borderline softcore porn. And if a show did the same thing but with straight people, I would also call that trash. But it is not an apt comparison imo. There's a difference between a story that has subtle commentary, and a story that is simply there to serve a message. A more apt comparison would be to watch a film like Annihilation, it has a plethora of commentary that is intricately woven in to the plot. It is a magnificent sci-fi that is already in my top 5 all time. You could watch it and not even notice any commentary. Then you watch Sense8, and it's literally just hammering you over the head with it's commentary. That's the difference between a good film/show, and a PSA. When a viewer can watch your content and not even realize there is commentary, that is when it's good. Go through and count how much screen time is dedicated to massive orgies and "non cis" sex scenes. Then go watch James Bond and count how much screen time is dedicated to "cis" sex scenes. Then tell me how much of Sense8 is harping on identity politics. And then go watch James Bond and tell me how much of it is harping on identity politics. They are blaming white men for solo. And you have single dinosaurs of each species. It would take centuries for them to populate to any sort of threatening number. I enjoyed it, but I'm sorry no, this is not just as good as the original. JW:FK is just dumb fun monster schlock, and I appreciate that. JP was a great film with a great script, and it took itself seriously. They are nearly polar opposites. I get animal welfare out of it, not immigration.