PreDeadMan's Replies

I heard Walter's dad was in the movie space jam a year or 2 later he was a "Monstar" Legend from 1985. The whole landscape of the forest is amazing imagery. I've tripped and watched that. I mean I trip and basically watch horror movies lol. I mean for a scary movie that is a little creepy and sort of aimed at kids check out 1987 The Gate. I definitely love to reminisce and watch these movies that I loved as a kid (and still love) This movie takes me back in a fantastic way! The movie reeks of the 80s and 90s which is my favorite Era for movies !!! I believe it has a cult following lol. This is easily my favorite ernest movie since I love horror movies and such. I grew up on Ernest and this movie always kind of always spooked me! I read that they used the clown props from killer klowns from outer space in this movie. This was also my favorite cartoon growing up! I can't believe this show lasted only 1 season. I remember renting the vhs tapes of my pet monster back in the day. This show deserved more seasons!!! Hm i thought maybe to the viewers the kid was normal and just running but to the people in the movie the kid was a zombie or something? I guess it was opened to interpretation lol I have to agree 100 percent about her words to her grandma that was foreshadowing her untimely tragic death and it made me choke up a little I finished watching the show this morning what do people have against season 8 i'm not understanding it? When Deb dies i found that to be extremely unsettling I didn't expect it and i thought at the end dexter was going to take his boat into the storm and die then we find out he's still alive on some island all alone.... how else should it have panned out lol? I literally am a gigantic gate fan the first is my favorite horror movie of all time and the sequel i do watch a few times a year and just recently I left the credits going but this was an amazon prime video crystal clear quality which i'm not used to and i saw the hamster escape the coffin in all the years i've watched it i've never seen that lol weird!.... and the ending sort of ruins it for me way too cheery and a hollywood happy ending imo It was an enjoyable movie without a doubt. I disagree with it being better than the original but we all have our opinions. I agree I just watched it (seen this movie so many times gigantic fan of the original) and the ending just throws things out of whack to the pace of it all there should have been something a little darker that left an option to another sequel even though it will probably never happen again like a poster suggested smoke coming out of the ground or maybe the minion growl noises something.... lol wow wtf i never noticed the very very ending after the credits the hamster coming back to life out of the coffin i guessed i never watched it all the way through the credits or that was added in lol? hmm I agree it was bad writing made no sense for her to call her a brat.... In general the poltergeist movie end credit songs and theme songs had pretty emotional songs beautifully composed. The other tear jerker was when Tangina said tell Carol Anne I will always love her and her nightmare is over..... foreshadowing her death it seems....... this was near the very ending. As cheesy as this movie is it still made me afraid of mirrors and give me the creeps in rooms with mirrors in it lol. The effects are pretty damn good I have to say with the not being able to see the movie camera in the mirror reflections!... She was trying to get Carol Anne to come back through the Mirror and there was a frustrated scuffle with either Bruce or Seaton that distracted Tangina and her body touched the mirror so she was fair game and Kane took her in. "TANGINA!!!!..... BOOOM" and then her empty decayed body was there with Donna inside i think it was a trade Tangina for Donna.... It was probably Kane Every time I see his face and that laugh I just can't stop laughing especially when he's tormenting that cop the whole movie doing random funny things appearing in a turkey, dressed up as the guy's wife , doing stand up comedy on tv . This was actually an amazing movie !! It doesn't have to be people just refuse to put any effort into the effects these days..... there was much more creativity back then as opposed to today! Cgi doesn't fit in the physics of the movie at all it looks so off and cartoonish I'll take practical effects where people have to actually put effort into making it look real instead of relying on this digital diarrhea if this is the norm today then the stuff today is absolutely garbage compared to the movies back then. Even the effects in like 70's and 80's Lucio Fulci movies takes a giant dump on the atrocities that come out today. skarsCGIgard