ProductionNow's Replies

Then you were never a friend to begin with for being simpleminded enough to lose a friend and change any intrinsic-fondness you have for them over who they vote for, and what political party they belong to. I see this all the time; people who think every single element in the world, among the mass configuration of things, is based in politics. I don't know if it's always been this way, or the trendy-norm today. (actually, perhaps you were a friend, in that case). For the same reason that murderers walk among us: guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. No actual (forensic) evidence that Alice committed the murders either I see, thanks. I was being facetious over the wording, dear. It's not about who's ''liberal'' or a ''fascist'. (that would be an eye-rolling simpleminded conclusion, wouldn't it) Isn't is something? Funny how "people of color" is very in vogue to say, though. I was asking if you really thought he would get 10 yrs. He may get 10 days or 30 days, and it could even be reduced to a misdemeanor by the court. But, my other point is that busy police in the busiest city in the country of 8 million people are not going to be driving around looking for a man with a hoodie over this. That's because you're being over-sensitive, which has become a sickness in our society with adults acting like self-absorbed, selfish, narcissistic inexperienced spoiled children. The term 'colored' is not enough of a "violation". You are how old? And are you familiar with New York City, USA? Are you joking, sweet? If found, which is 1)unlikely, and 2) police in a busy place in NYC won't even bother take time looking, the man won't get 10 days, much less 10 yrs. But really, were you serious? Well, he's not an "old man", but anyway, this happens all the time , every day. You're hearing about it because it's Rick Moranis. (The cute hoodie may be what caused the man to hit him). The police are not going to actually drive around looking for some random asshole who punched someone. In NYC, of all places? They are answering calls for murders, rapes, etc. He will hardly get locked up , much less the key being thrown away (unless you were being sarcastic) Neither are blacks, and if you are "oppressed" (other than the police-interactions that are so topical today--but not conclusive) , it's due to a case of personal dislike, the same as whites. Personal-dislike is not oppression. And some whites are oppressed, but many blacks (not all) are so absorbed in themselves, they wouldn't take notice or be interested. Blacks oppress whites every time you deliberately show your resentment and hate for whites at random, and yes, it happens. But, nice gig you have riding on the oppression-coattails for eternity. That, itself, it why blacks may be disliked by both whites and blacks, which you also likely never gave thought to. Nobody is accepting bad behavior. But we do not live in an ideal world where things are always going to be ''normal, productive, constructive and edifying'' . You also will not necessarily know the complete story of these people just by reading about them in a tabloid. Horrible people are capable of kindness, and good people are capable of unkindness. You also said ''this is who i care about actors and other people who make movies''. Worship from afar, so you don't become disappointment when you find out they are not the people whom you would like them to be. You don't know them .They are mere humans who happened to get into the film business, nothing more. Enjoy the people that you find in the world who you actually get to know, and care about. Actually, we didnt' say "totally" in the 70's, at least not in New England. That was L.A.-slang and from the 80's. Now, I'm horrible? You're wrapped in "horrible person"; their actions may have been horrible, but it doesn't mean the person is. But, even if they are horrible people (which is vague), why are you affected by celebrities who are? The world is full of horrible people and/or horrible acts. They are not telling everyone about their private lives, the newspaper is. People will always be interested in the private lives of celebrities; they feel like they know them and are naturally curious. It's always been that way and always will be. And if the public allows them excuses for their bad behavior, it's one of the perks of being famous, the same as negative criticism of celebrities which may not be warranted. Nothing to get that upset about. You addressed me after I made my first post. And yes, I see you all over this site with the same tone