Kolopetra's Replies

I strongly disagree with you. 1. They say the same thing about actor Richard Armitage and it's not true at all. Listen, if someone doesn't want to get marry or have children or even have a sexual life, does not mean he is homosexual. You people change someone's sexuality because...he is not married? He only cares about movies, nothing more. That does not mean he likes boys. That's rediculous. I don't wanna marry either or have children, that means i am lesbian? That doesn't make any sense! 2. I wanna ask something else: why you think he is a podophile or he has an obsession with Uma Thurman? Is that a gay characteristic? 3. He is engaged with Daniela Pick. 4. He never shows of homosexuality in his movies. All of his movies are so heterosexual. 4/4 argument stronger -> he is not gay at all! 'Bang Bang' from Kill bill. I think O-Ren would win. She was a samurai expert, so....yes! Elle sucks! 1. I don't think she cared about money, she only cared about revenge. 2. She didn't know her daughter was alive. But the final confrontation with O-Ren was just masterful! This is my favorite scene from both films. I think Pulp Fiction is a bit overrated... 1. Kill Bill 2. Inglourious Basterds 3. Django Unchained 4. Death Proof 5. Jackie Brown 6. Reservoir Dogs 7. Pulp Fiction 8. The Hateful 8