Roody321's Replies

I prefer it like this. Have the big episode before the season finale. And then give us a nice little closure rather than leaving us with a huge cliff hanger. Plus, Negan saving Judith and Dog was awesome! Very touching scene. But they travel with walkers. That's their source of protection. They have to steer and move the walkers with them. Like with Beta, it was mostly walkers and just a few whisperers. Lydia predicted it. Too risky. Werner already knew the location of the lab, so Gus couldn't take any risk of having the other German workers find out. If Werner was kept alive, he'd probably figure out that they were plotting to kill him and his workers, so it would be a huge mess. Having a good meth cook is great, but what if something happened to Gale? I'm sure a trained chemist who did multiple cooks with Gale, could learn how to do it his way. I mean even Jesse who hardly had any chemistry knowledge was able to cook Walt's formula through experience. Even Victor was able to grasp the basics of how to make Walt's formula just by observing. The Cartel, although were inferior, probably could have cooked Walt's formula by themselves if they just did a few more cooks with Jesse. It was strange that Gus didn't have a back up plan (at least it didn't seem so), if something happened to Gale. Especially with the amount of time and money he was investing into making the secret meth lab.