MovieChat Forums > Sab > Replies

Sab's Replies

Bump The one I remember was a song. "Now I'm here in high school, trying hard just to stay cool! Life is sweet five time a week, when this boy meets world!" I remember that TV ad! I'd love to find it on YouTube again! So, what's she pissed at Ben Savage for then? He never made the disgusting comment. Dude, chill. So, now the subject of MOVING is traumatic and too dark and disturbing for kids?? Uh, you know it was a central plot point in Toy Story too, right? But moving is too scary a topic for kids, are you freaking kidding me?? My gosh... As for the rest, I really feel you're just reaching for reasons not to like this film. Get a life, snowflake. Bump. You sound like a filthy pedo apologist. Are you a pedo yourself? Klaus was robbed. The stupid technicality was such fcking BS. They so screwed him over. I thought it was hilarious, him screaming "Bloody 'ell!" every two minutes. I'm just glad they had the little woman know her place, and not make her interested or knowledgeable about the industry like the men in her family. It's a man's sport, and I'm glad they didn't cave into any SJW bs. Well, it's a Netflix exclusive, but the new animated Christmas film "Klaus". They really cheaped out with the score. It was all literally recycled from the other films. It's not. Next question? Never mind, I saw the damn movie. Yeah, I called it. Disney's been doing this with all their animated sequels lately. I just can't believe it's not a coincidence... Bump How do you mean? I don't know anything about them, other than they happen to share my opinion on this movie? So they're "whining" because they disagree with you? No offense meant, but if that is your mindset, that really sounds immature and childish on your part. Don't worry about them. They and one other user (who was even ruder) accused me of "whining" too. Lots of people feel the same about Bonnie's neglect of Woody and the ending.