MovieChat Forums > Befus > Replies

Befus's Replies

lol We lost Vietnam, but we didn't lose it on the battlefield. We won practically every engagement, but the retarded rules of engagement had us always fighting on the back foot. And we were told basically to give back every inch we gained as soon as we took it, and then we took it again, and then gave it back etc. That coupled with anti-war feelings stateside meant the powers that be decided not to do what was necessary to win. I don't have to look for the bad in the world, it gets shoved in my face no matter where I turn my head. I'm not extreme I'm normal. Society has just gotten so backwards that what is normal and moral has become taboo. Acceptable? Husband and wife. That's it. It's all sexual perversion. I'm looking at everything exactly the way it is. My beef is with perverts, be they gay or straight. I'm sick of living in a rotten world. <blockquote>Do you feel the same ire about sexually explicit heterosexual music videos or graphically violent video games that children are exposed to regularly?</blockquote> Yes. Yeah sure, we've got chicks running around pretending to be dudes, and dudes running around pretending to be chicks. Perverts dancing naked in front of children and engaging in every form of debauchery you can think of and saying how proud they are to be wicked. But I'm the weirdo... This may come as surprise to you but before there were all these dozens of different bs lgbt definitions, "gay" applied to both men and women who banged other members of the same sex. If you read my earlier reply you'll see I said it was technically heterosexual, but since he was pretending to be a woman banging another woman that makes it kinda gay again. With everyone pretending to be things they aren't, and "identifying" as one thing or another it's all convoluted and confusing. So like I said it's perverted no matter how you look at it. Different symptoms of the same disease. Like I said, fucked up no matter which way you look at it. So like I said, an evolution of the same thing. I'm not wrong though. This woke bullshit is just an evolution of the same thing that's been going on for generations now. Yep. I suppose technically yeah. But then again if he's pretending to be a woman banging another woman that makes it gay again. It's all fucked up and perverted any way you look at it. It is the same thing by another name. <blockquote>Alt right types made it up a few years ago</blockquote> False. It was coined by leftists who apparently can't spell "awake". If a dude hacks his junk off, puts on a dress and bangs another dude, he's still just a homo in a dress. Imagine buying a game like bayonetta and being offended that it's sexual. Does your friend also watch naughty movies for the plot?