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MovieShootTurd (4)



Brexit and US2016 were actually really close. US2016 was actually correct in terms of popular vote. Given that none of them had a mistake margin of almost 50% difference which would be needed to tilt Trump to a popular candidate in the UK, I'm going to go with the polls as a more representative sample compared to the handful of people a random Trump supporter on "MovieChat" knows in the UK. :) Having lived in Britain for six months myself, my gut feeling also tells me that the UK doesn't like Trump a lot. [quote]I just wanted you to know how an obsession with comic book characters comes across to people my age.[/quote] I don't think that was your purpose at all. If it were curiosity, you would have asked why adult men like superhero films. You however had to not only ask that, but also ridicule those that like these films by moulding them into onesie wearing cocoa drinking "why are not more men like my husband"-kind of people. I don't understand why people like horses. I could walk up to people who like horses, and ask either: "Where does your interest in horses come from?" or "Why do grown people like horses? Back in my day only teenage girls liked them but then they grew up instead of dressing up like idiots and drooling over these creatures. Have all men but my husband turned into nancies?? One is being curious, one being a condescending bully who actively attacks someone because they have a different interest and preference in genres than you have. And it does make this armchair psychologist wonder why you so much feel the need to mould others into your genres and preferences. I’m very secure and comfortable with myself and who I am, so I don’t need to get my personality defined by interests in beer, cowboy clothing and manly films. I don’t like beer, so I’m not going to drink beer just to prove how manly I am. Especially the ridiculous caricatures - onesies and cocoa - to emphasise how wrong and unmanly it is for you to like a genre, stand out. People who attack a group over their preferences always come across to me like they themselves are incredibly insecure, and from that perspective have to convince others by said ridiculous caricatures. Like teenagers fishing for reinforcement by dragging others down. Except topic starter emphasised how adult she is, yet still shows this behaviour. I [b]definitely[/b] don’t need my identity confirmed by such people. [quote] [...] heard quite A LOT of people here in the UK support President Trump. [/quote] Damn. Britons are especially known for making well-thought political decisions so if the Brits like him, this argument can't possibly be beaten. Wrap it up guys, we lost. (Looked up British poll YouGov about Trump: 21% positive, 67% negative, 11% neutral, 1% never heard of) View all replies >