Jazzahan's Replies

Awesome :) Don't see how anyone could like this better than the first movie, whilst I enjoyed all the cave/temple scenery the sharks just looked so ridiculously fake it ruined the the whole movie. 3 4 6 2 5 8 7 1 10 9 I kick ass for the lord! I quite enjoyed his performance, plus really enjoyed the jazzed up songs. He's the vicar at the funeral in the original Pet Sematary Look I like the new like sentient thinking Hulk but lets face it Hulk doesn't have a 1 on 1 fight with any of the main antagonists in any of the Avenger films. He doesn't take on Loki, he doesn't go up against Ultron, and he doesn't get a proper fight with Thanos. Agreed. This movie actually gave me chills at some bits unlike A Quiet Place which wasn't scary at all even though in that film they actually revealed the bad presence. Yea I think they really missed a trick here. Would have loved to have heard the "we have a Hulk" line one more time just as the good guys army were about to appear and for the Hulk to actually have delivered on that line.