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MillerJones (469)


Typical Netflix Waited all these years for this. Episode 3 - Porn Me Too Waste of Time Season 7 Season 8 - Episode 5 (Chalk Two Down) View all posts >


Something people don't mention and medical community likes to ignore is diet/nutrition. It plays such an important role. It's ignored on purpose doesn't make lots of money and people are healthier because of it which they don't want. Julie Strain case you are just assuming no scientific evidence to back it up. We do not even know her full medical details or even what her brain scans was like. He is awful is every way. so you believe men should have no masculinity at all. Just look at him he looks like someone who is battling some sort of disease that is not natural and is unhealthy. Define good movies ??? By her own choice she likes to do these more indie type films or low budget as such. You may or may not like them that is your choice. I liked her in Spencer & Underwater. You have shown you clearly do not watch the show. It is shown he keeps it a secret & does not inform her about the risks. You can keep repeating you dont buy things all it shows is your lack of understanding plus real world knowledge. It's very simple you have regulations. It does not matter if you go cheap or most expensive if you pass the regulations is all that matters. Baldwin does not control everything. Unless they have some documents which shows safety was not up to the standards to meet regulations and he was the one which was in charge of that side of things and neglected it knowing it failed in areas no case at all. It's typical of US system it does not care about the truth it is one of the worst so called justice systems in the world. Cheaper option so what people have budgets. If people was not happy with safety leave these workers have lots of protection no one is forcing them to stay. Doesn't matter if he was part of production he is not the firearms specialist someone else is who was hired this requires licenses etc which they had. You are looking for a scapegoat you really think this man wanted to kill or harm people if so he could have done it many other ways. production team by the way do not run everything people who have been in the industry know full well its not that simple. NO If this was true they would have taken a large pay out. In the end they lost out of a lot of cash and Pamela career was over. Nonsense. He hired a professional who was suppose to take care of all these they clearly did not how is that his fault. You are making things up and the whole thing is typical of today witch hunt in a culture especially in US someone has to be blamed. NO He can get young attractive ladies why would he want to get it on with a beast. Beth needed someone to hate because she hates herself so much it's typical projection. Jamie is not her real brother. The abortion stuff is horrible what he did was a disgrace and not many people would be able to forgive someone for something like that and not really any case to side with Jaime on it either he withheld important details on purpose because I bet she would have said no to having it done. If you add those 3 together it does make you wonder why she has no killed him given how that family is. Someone else mentioned about informing patient today yes that is a must but not back then remember Beth is what close to 50 plus this was not a licensed place. Jamie is very smug as well which doesn't help things. View all replies >