MovieChat Forums > mooville

mooville (34)


worth a watch.. Some lost trivia? *Spoilers* What gave it away to the viewer.. Wow, this movie is so frustratingly stupid.. Looking for some movie suggestions.. Anyone else think she looks like she has down syndrome? Looks like a gigantic turd.. "Love letter to Tarantino"... For a Sci-fi.. View all posts >


He died in 2018 I get where you're coming from.. it could seem like Sosa is waging war on the US, and well, the US would win and might seem like Sosa has gotten either desperate or wreakless. But I think it's worth pointing out that Sosas' empire is depicted in the movie as one of the most powerful organized crime empires in the world, they are professionals. Regardless of the circumstances, the chances the US would be able to link the explosion back to Sosa I think in the long run would be pretty slim. Plus, if memory serves me right there were multiple different families being investigated by the whistleblower, that would make things even more unlikely for it to be linked back to a single person. 12 monkeys was released in the mid-90s, so you must be thinking of Fight Club. I'd have to agree.. I'm a bit bummed because I was sort of looking forward to it, but yeah let me just say it fell below expectations for me. I think the AI plot was a big mistake. Let's hope the next one makes up for it and these two aren't the last ones. We talking about movies never I'd watch again all the way through? I can only think of a few really, otherwise I'd still watch most, either all the way through or small parts here and there, even if I hated them. But for ones I think should never have existed and would probably never watch all the way through unless I totally hated the person sitting next to me: Cannibal Holocaust (1980) Porky's (1981) Psycho (1998) Runner ups: The Man from Earth (2007) Midsommar (2019) Death race 2050 (2017) I was going to share my hatred for Cannibal Holocaust as well, because the film makers and cast are all cock sucking pieces of shit and unfortunately all their deaths were fake. You beat me to it. Yes I have. Great movie. Why are you LOL'ing like a clown and calling people retarded over and over, is that as far as your vocabulary goes? What Karl is saying is correct.. This is primarily a disaster because of the agreements made between Trump and the Taliban. Regardless if you think Biden is a idiot, any sitting president no matter who they were, were going to experience something similar. I suggest you read about the Taliban offensive, understand from a logical standpoint WHY it started and WHEN. As Biden told the entire world in the simplest way possible, there was really no other choice aside from staying in Afgan territory even longer. This really just my shot in the dark in attempt for you to quit deviating from facts, but I sort of doubt it's going to go anywhere because you kind of seem like a child from reading your posts.. Barbed Wire Dolls (1976) comes to mind.. It contains one of the most hilariously bad death scenes probably in film history, where a rape victim confronts her rapist, stabs him or something, and the man falls to his death in slow motion. But it's not actually slow motion, it's shot in live action frame speed and he's acting in slow motion.. quite unique. Don't worry, I'm not ruining anything, the film has no plot to speak of. View all replies >