MovieChat Forums > Grimace788

Grimace788 (259)


How would they not be caught hiring the 2 kids to work late at night? Senate unanimously passes dress code for men only? Can this be viewed anywhere? Low energy speech Season 6? WTF Will Saanvi achieve her goal Raising gun purchase age to 21 is the laziest way of handling the mass shooter crisis The final episode was pointless Where is this heading? What do you have to do to get kicked out of the Oscars? View all posts >


Last night's episode was by far the most interesting episode of the entire series so far. I had found the show to be very slow but last night it seemed to finally get somewhere. I think it is mainly because Trump is the candidate now. Bush was despised by Democrats for most of his presidency. He keeps a low profile today though, so people aren't reminded of him often. Also, most people under 30 are too young to really remember the Bush years. Fair point about the adoption. I posted this before watching the whole thing. The family make up remained absurd throughout the series. Correct. As long as Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Wisconsin don't do this then it is really irrelevant. While I am not a fan of Trump, I do think the people should have the right to decide if they want to vote for him or not. I would say it's a prequel to Gene Wilder's based on the look of the Oompa Loompas. The final show was the same as every other show on the tour. You'd think that they would have added a few extra songs and brought back some of the old band members. They didn't really do anything to celebrate it being the final show. I saw it in the theater. I thought it was okay. Definitely not as good as the first two. I wasn't really buying into Mike Barnes as a big threat. I felt like if Daniel could beat Chozen in a death match, then he could easily have beaten Mike Barnes. It's a strategic move. It's pretty bold but it seems to be working. He remains way ahead in the polls and his voters don't seem to care if he does the debates or not, so why risk messing up in a debate? Yes, Ship of Fools is great, as is Big Log. This is correct. People who are 80 years old belong to the Silent Generation. View all replies >