mamouth007's Replies

Indeed. I would let her peg you all night too. Would be a lot of fun. That's the kind of diversity that should be inserted to the Oscars ceremony. Did we really need the first one ? I don't think so. Yeah but Char-lores was supposed to play the part of a real person in the real world. And Charlotte had a family in real world. Lawrence was a host in first place. He only cared about his host family because his pearl forced him to be that way. Outside of Westworld Lawrence and his host family are not supposed to exist. So Dolores is supposed to stay Dolores inside of Lawrence's body. No reason for her to change. This is science-fiction. We are supposed to believe that the "rehoboam world" is a fucking nightmare. But that world is still better than the chaos Dolores is creating. And it's probably also better than the shitty world ruled by money we are living in. So who cares ? Rehoboam is probably killing way less people than our good politicians. There is a Dolores pearl in the Mexican guy (Clifton Collins Jr). And probably many others no problem to bring her back... Yeah. She wants to free everyone. But free everyone from what ? Rehoboam ? I mean, there is no Rehoboam in the real world WE are living in. But our world is a shitty world ruled by money. Same thing in "WestWorld real world pre-Rehoboam". Now people in Westworld are free to live a shitty life like us real people in a chaotic world. I'm afraid this show makes no sense anymore... Yeah. She was fat and beautiful, not sure her new skinny face will look as good. And what happened to the other girls ? Did they have to undergo the same procedure as Yennefer ? Yennefer did it to become a hottie. The other girls were not "that ugly" in first place so what would be the point ? And Yennefer seems to be the only one to have the idea of asking "the artist" to make her a hottie. The witch bosses are just saying "you don't look good enough, so no good job for you". wtf ? Maybe society is a piece of sh*t. Yeah that's lucky she didn't kill Grace... or no movie. Won best director award at the Césars for "J'accuse". Polanski and the movie's cast and crew boycotted the show. Feminists had some troubles with police outside the theater before the show. Actress Adele Haenel and others left the room when Polanski was announced best director. Scarlett's fat ass is more than welcome. * In Hateful Eight, it's a comedy moment. So people are laughing. I haven't seen OUATIH yet. * Movies are fictions. You can show whatever you want in fictions. Whether feminists or other people like it or not. * Equality. If it's ok to show violence against men in movies, it should be allowed to show violence against women. I didn't know that writers worked on the first film... I didn't read the book. But that opening scene is still a big wtf moment. Same thing with Beverly. She did run away from her abusive father and 27 years later she's married to an abusive husband who's beating the shit out of her ? Michelle Yeoh was in Tomorrow Never Dies, not Lucy Liu... ;) Oh yeah, most female celebrities are behaving the same way on social medias. Stars became the most annoying people on Earth. We already see the bullshit around the gender-neutral director award. They are whining all the time. Not enough female directors nominated, ... Or the skin color-neutral awards. Too much white winners or too much white people nominated. Honestly, who gives a fuck ?