MovieChat Forums > Jokerzreality

Jokerzreality (9)



Sorry, it did happen. But you dont seem that intelligent, so of course you were wrong Nope it ended up on first place You were wrong idiot Well, i take the words of the creators over some random people's theories on the internet. You´re right, in that they could make up any explaination they wanted. However, you don´t know how much of the exposition that were left on the cutting room floor, or were never filmed, because of stuff like pacing, etc. It´s allowed to have things be ambiguous for the audience to figure out for themselves, as long as nothing in the movie goes against any rational explaination for it. When something isn´t explained, it´s ambiguous. But i guess David Lynch movies wouldn´t be for you then? A plot hole is a gap or inconsistency in a storyline that goes against the flow of logic established by the story's plot. Such inconsistencies include such things as illogical or impossible events, and statements or events that contradict earlier events in the storyline. Let me break this specific gap in the movie down, to see if it´s actually a plot hole or just ambiguous. What we know: - You need pym particles and a time-space GPS to travel through the quantum realm. Thanos got access to both. - Thanos is the most powerful being in the universe, it stands to reason he would be able to reverse engineer pym particles and a time-space GPS (Not invent them necessarily) What we don´t know: - If Thanos actually reversed engineered them, although that is the only explaination that make sense. - What the quantum suits are needed for. But going by what has been said on other MCU movies, it´s probably needed for mortals to shrink, without going insane, like Darren Cross did in Ant-Man. Thanos and his minions are pretty insane already. - What exactly the quamtum tunnel is needed for. In Ant-Man, Lang and Janet Van Dyne are able to travel to the quantum realm without a quantum tunnel. In Endgame, Steve and Tony are able to travel to the 70´s without a quantum tunnel. In Ant-Man and the Wasp, Hank Pym creates the quantum tunnel and the quantum suits. Probably to make it more safe to travel through the quantum realm somehow. But their exact purpose is never explained, since it, by that time, has already been established that it´s possible to travel through the quantum realm without any of them. However Lang doesn´t remember anything from his stay there, so the quantum suits are probably to make sure you have more mental control while in the quantum realm, so you can better navigate it while there. Thanos doesn´t need to navigate it while he is in there, since 2014 Nebula is already located at his end-destination. All he need is to set the GPS for whatever coordinates, Nebula has sent to him. With this, it´s pretty easy to connect the dots yourself imo. However since it´s never explained what exactly the quantum tunnel and suits are needed for, exactly i wouldn´t put those as proof of a plot hole in this case. But the "What we know" part, are the established rules of the story´s plot, and nothing that happens here really goes against the flow of logic established by the story's plot, or can be considered as illogical or impossible events, or contradict earlier events in the storyline, since a lot of this stuff is never really explained or established in the movie. Therefore, its more ambiguous than an actual plot hole. Well, the series did explain a lot of stuff in Age of Ultron. Like how the Avengers found the location of Loki´s staff and how Nick Fury got the helicarrier. According to the directors youre right Its not a plothole. The Russo's have confirmed Thanos reversed engineered the pym particles The Russo's has already confirmed that Thanos reverse engineered the pym particles. He probably did the same with the gps. The Russo brothers have confirmed he was in a parallel timeline. Besides with those quantum time travel gps things he could pop up anywhere he wanted to. There was no quantum tunnel sitting there in either the Avengers, Thor The Dark World or GotG, when they arrived there. View all replies >