
Aries (772)


Ben Foster was miscast Sil's Al Pacino / Godfather impression Really good This movie vs Salmon fishing in the Yemen Sandra Bullock Haslet's intense prep to fight Alt Righters!! A lot crammed into 3 hours Zac Effron Better choice than Bradley Cooper? The witches - game vs cosplayers vs cast View all posts >


Haha Ovaries :D :D Yes, I'm rather proud of myself for coining that very apt nickname (even if I say so myself) :D It's the perfect term for a White Knight like you who spends so much time here defending the honor of various women lol You didn't choose the simp life, the simp life chose you. Just acknowledging your simping, Cuckwalski. You can't deny you are one. He was a womanizer who got his heart broken by a whore. He went from being a suave, opulent guy to a sad, whimpering clown who was made destitute by her towards the end. What more did you want? Haha no, Ruffalo plays a womanizer and is actually (mildly) funny at times. The character Max is played by another actor. He just simps for Emma Stone's character the whole movie and makes a Kowalski-level cuck move towards the end. Movie's not bad. Has its own unique style and is quite entertaining if you can get past the first 10-15 mins. Even the feminist-misandrist theme & dialogue wasn't done to a nauseating level. Defo watch it if you can, not a total waste of time. Thank you. It is the sound of closing door, not a knife slicing flesh. If the movie wanted you to know that he killed the boy, I think they would've shown it, since violence and gruesome scenes seem to be its main selling point and they weren't shy about showing such things. He couldn't (obviously) handle the fact that his son had devoured his mother, so just got out and collapsed in shock. And Resident Evil Extinction Haha The character Max was such an ultra cuck and a simp, I thought they'd modeled him after Kowalski! I agree, they should've taken a page out of Jupiter Ascending and made the costumes and sets as ornate and luxurious as possible. Both the settings and the costumes (esp. Irulan's, who was horribly miscast via the insipid Florence Puke) were seriously underwhelming in comparison to the lavish sets and designs of some of the other worlds like Geidi Prime and Arrakis. The 1984 version did a better job of the Emperor's entourage and costume designs IMO. Christopher Walken was also very unconvincing in the role. View all replies >