StrongRex's Replies

I thought the sequel was pretty solid. It’s theater to people like him. They don’t actually care. Maybe a Homeward Bound Christmas? None of the pets would need to be lost anywhere. I'm all for a storyline that just lets them enjoy their time with their humans throughout the entire movie. You can still have conflict the keeps the story interesting and engages the characters. We would see what traditions the Seaver family has for Christmas, how the pets view everything that is going on, we would get to see Delilah after she settled into the Seaver family household, which human she bonded with (I like to think it was Laura), her deepened relationship with Chance, how she gets along with Sassy and Shadow, etc. Nobody misunderstood your meaning. We know exactly what you meant. You are a sniveling coward who throws a temper tantrum when someone makes waves or calls you out on a bad point you've made and shows you where you are wrong. You get angry when someone refuses to stand down and take the cowardly path you want them to take. You call me the parrot - I am just frustrated that I have to keep repeating the obvious when you just Will Not Listen. No FootofDavros, that is EXACTLY what you said. Stop your gaslighting. I listened to your actual reasoning and found you wrong. I obliterated your argument. Now you are trying to tell people that what you said isn't what you said. Everyone sees the problem here but you. No. You demanded that I put up my personal information where any scammer could lay their hands on it as a prerequisite for telling people to do the right thing. Just so you could trap me and say "A-ha! i knew you were full of shit!" Fuck YOU. 🖕 And it is not empty signaling. It's the right thing to do. It's how you fight against evil. You don't win a revolution by staying silent. That's really all one needs to say. And I'm going to keep doing it. Anyone who wants to save their society and culture should do the same. I've given you plenty of substance, you just don't like it. Not liking it is not the same thing as me not giving it. Interesting, I could say the same thing about you. All you are doing is parroting the same response even though I've pointed out the obvious reason on why not speaking out is a terrible idea: evil prevails. You are still urging Scotlanders and myself to stay silent out of fear for your own hide, which I will not do. I have stood up to the government and LGBT movement in my own area and will continue to do so, so don't you dare fucking tell me what I am not doing at risk to myself. I say again - if you won't join the fight, stay out of our goddamn way. And who the fuck do you think you are? Demanding that I give money just because I say that people should stand up for the truth. Since when has that been a requirement for speaking up? Seriously, who the fuck do you think you are? I waited 11 days to respond to you? That’s the best you’ve got? I don’t need to parrot any talking points. What I’ve been saying is true. You can’t seem to get it through your head that it’s through staying silent that these narcissists get their way. If I’m repeating myself, it’s because you are obtuse just to be obtuse. There is simply no other explanation. You just want to succumb to fear to stand up for what you know is right and chastise other people for courageously fighting. If Scotland citizens want to take back their country, it’s their own responsibility to do so. Just like I don’t support the United States sending money over to Ukraine when we have our own problems. If you don’t fight for your own country, your country won’t survive. It’s not other people from other countries’ responsibility to give you a handout. And again, you have no idea what the hell I am doing here. Stop assuming. You fucking coward. I mean really, you are the worst kind of coward. If you won’t join the fight, stay out of the way. Oh look. It's two cowards patting each other on the back for being cowards. What a lovely sight. You're cowardly because you are saying other people should not speak out against this evil. And you don't know what the hell I am doing - it would be wise if you did not make baseless assumptions about me. That adjective means the opposite of what it says. Disney’s films have been (deservingly) failing and losing big money at the box office in recent years. More people seem to be waking up, hopefully more will wake up in time to give this movie the even bigger flop it deserves. The Republican voter is their base’s own worst enemy. Florida Defies Biden, Refuses To Comply With Revamped Title IX You said she was correct, but should "keep her trap shut" even though what she said was correct. I didn't say THEY were cowardly - I said you were. If what you said isn't a textbook definition of the word cowardly, I don't know what is. I also didn't say it was easy to change a law. If you stand against an oppressive government who caters to delusional narcissists who think the world revolves around them, you probably will get arrested. You'll be persecuted. All the more reason to bring them to their knees. Scotland overthrew their oppressive government before, they can do it again. It takes courage and perservance - both of which you lack (except for maybe your perservance to double down despite knowing you are in the wrong). And I'll say whatever I want here - COWARD. 🖕 Except no one here is saying anything like that, Mr. Red Herring. Kindly do your best to stay on topic so you don’t look stupid. So I left the conversation for a while and forgot that a different country was involved in this discussion. You know. Because I have a life. My point still stands. You’re going around telling JK Rowling to “keep her trap shut” over something she is completely in the right to say, and you are shamelessly opting for the coward’s way out. I don’t have any sympathy for you. If there is a wrongful, ridiculous, oppressive law, you work to change it by any means necessary. You can’t be arrested for free speech in the United States. And if they can, there is a larger issue at hand. And yes, Pixar should definitely leave A Bug’s Life alone. The sequel would have been a better movie if made 10 years or less after the original, but I’m not broken up that it didn’t happen. Happy to meet a fellow Bug’s Life fan! This movie really doesn’t get the love and respect it deserves - in fact, I often see it at the bottom of people’s lists when it comes to Pixar movies ranked from best to worst. It doesn’t matter to me if it’s not your favorite Pixar film, but one of the worst? Come on. And when pressed, they never explain why. Yep. Too much epic awesomeness for Trump fans to fathom.