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luvthepros (562)


Stinky Trump in the court room Trump is DANGEROUS to our country and our allies. YIKES!!!!!!! The Seven Dumbest Trump Statements Trump....shut your trap! Sydney Powel and Jena Ellis plead GUILTY to lying Trump's Christmas Message Judge tells attourney to "control Trump" Jenna pleads guilty Trump squirms during Megyn Kelly interview View all posts >


tvfan SAID:(8414) 7 days ago It's child sacrifice and the destruction of innocent life. You should be grateful that your parents were not pro-murder. ===================================================== Don't be so dramatic. Murder is not the proper accusation when dealing with a NON VIABLE fetus. BKB SAID:...... BKB (6078) 7 days ago "Because they're used to often as more of a form of Birth Control and the lazy way of trying to be careful as opposed to going to a Doctor responsibly to have the Pill prescribed or purchase a box of Magnums Extra Ribbed.. I'm Catholic and Pro-Life, but I will say that if I were Married and my wife and I were going to have a baby and during delivery, something happened and there was a very good possibility of losing my wife if the fetus wasn't aborted, I would do it and any true Catholic who's Pro-Life says otherwise are lying and full of shit." ================================================== BKB......this is one of the most honest comments I have read from you. Thank you for being so candid and truthful. Personally I am and have been for many years, pro choice although I am conservative. Why is there always deflection when anything derogatory is said about Trump? Biden is no prize, that's for sure as he is an old man who has policies that suck! Having said that, it seems you cannot handle any criticism of Trump. Trump is not a very good man. Fess up to that and stop deflecting to Biden. I can't stand him or his policies either. tvfan (8022) 21 hours ago SAID............. "...or have 400+ violent riots while burning down cities and killing 20+ people. Don't conflate a protest that escalated due to disguised Antifa/BLM rioters, 200+ federal assets and capitol police using rubber bullets and gas grenades to incite the crowds." ============================================= "disguised Antif/BLM rioters" - I don't think so. Most, if not nearly all, the insurrectionists on January 6th were caucasian. Yes....reported by people who heard Trump say those things. JoWilli (14641) 2 days ago SAID......... "Biden is banning religious symbols from Easter celebrations at the White House, while flying the trans flag and declaring Easter Sunday to be "Trans Visibility Day." This is the left's new religion. They want people worshiping the trans flag instead of God." ================================================================== I understand you do believe in God but not all of us do, including me. I stopped believing in those fairy tales when I was old enough to think for myself. Just about every Christian belief has been pilfered from the Pagans who came BEFORE Christians. Immaculate conception???? Pagan belief. Human rising from the dead? Pagan belief. Christianity is a copy and paste from Pagan beliefs. Christians couldn't even come up with their own stories and fairy tales. They stole them from the Pagans. Oh well,to each his own. Carry on with your fairy tales. Gd5150 (10921) 14 hours ago SAID.............. "Trump showing the highest level of respect to those who protect and serve. What all great leaders do. Leaders wear the pants. Democrats shit the pants." ========================================================= Oh please, Trump doesn't know how to show respect to anyone. He is all about appearances for himself. Trump reportedly called fallen soldiers " fallen US troops "suckers" and "losers". There is ZERO excuse for that. How do you feel about how Trump REALLY feels about our men and women who give their service to our country and sometimes pay the ultimate price? Trump is a despicable human being. What is Trump holding on to with his left hand. Is that a cane or an umbrella? know not of what you speak. I don't buy into conspiracy theories. I guess you do. Trump suggested disinfectant be injected, not ingested. This needs to be reported correctly. LOL. Trump was such a tool when he suggested those things. View all replies >