MovieChat Forums > cruisin109

cruisin109 (1984)


Whinielle killed Nicole Simpson? Sean O’Brien disgrace Elon Musk vs Zuckerberg fight Owww! If Prince Harry showed up at Charle's coronation Does Charlie swallow? Why DID Charlie want the golden tic? Did GJ understand statistics? Did Charlie have brain damage? The candy store clerk was a dick View all posts >


Sam Gerard must be in hiding. Without the protection of WA he is as useless as Daniel San. How do we know he isn’t in Tahiti laughing at us? Well it just makes sense. Whinielle was probably pissed off that Nicole wanted to “go Dutch” so he killed her and their waiter in a fit of rage. We know Whinielle was experiencing financial difficulties after the bonsai shop failed and Miyagi escaped to Boston leaving Whinielle holding all the business debt and unpaid taxes so he was under financial duress and snapped when faced with paying half the bill at the pricy Brentwood restaurant. Do you think Whinielle could have been convicted? I imagine his defense would be "If the pants don't fit you must acquit." I thought Pat Johnson was wearing a shirt he has so much chest hair that’s can’t be normal. But I bet Miyagi was jealous with his bald man boobs. Which chest is the grossest? Miyagi or Johnson? I wanna see a lot more! Look at Miyagis spare tire hanging over his blue shorts. If he was such a karate master why didn’t he stay in shape? He would have at least worked up a sweat doing his kata. Also did anyone think to give Pat Johnson a razor? This is how the Daniel Johnny dispute could have been settled immediately. Why wait for a tournament? Ha ha ha ha! Bring him back! View all replies >