johnnybear's Replies

The outlook now is that solar systems are closer together in other parts of the galaxy or even universe so if we assume the moon has been displaced into that area of the cosmos then a new planet every other episode or two weeks is not out of order to understand. The Meta thing is correct but understanding weekly television programmes of the seventies means that no episode can be connected to another outside of the first! I mean you could say that Ultima Thule, Retha, Ariel or any other blue planet the moon passes by could be Meta only that they have changed the name or code for said world. Depending of course on what ordering you use when watching the show... JB Shut the door Mary! Alpha Centauri which is 4.3 light years away from us was not the destination of the moon in this series (Go watch Lost in Space for that and perhaps the POTA tv series as well) the moonbase was preparing itself for a manned voyage to Meta, a rogue planet passing by the limits of our solar system and after Breakaway Koenig and Bergman both believed the moon would arrive within that vicinity in a matter of months. But as we know that didn't happen or if it did then maybe they renamed Meta Terra Nova and it must have changed it's colour too from blue to patchy red! The moon was dragged off course by many mishaps like a black sun and an ion storm (space warp) so they made it to many other systems and the dates were never confirmed only in Dragon's Domain, that is until the second series when dates were the in thing of the show! JB Shut the door, Mary Back in 1974/75 1999 was SO far off that we really did think we'd be living in a better, fairer society which was almost ready to thrust out into space with a permanent base on the moon with regular flights to and from the earth! How wrong we were... JB Shut the door, Mary No now I'm thinking Muffi Durham was the go-go dancer that Hutch liked in The Bounty Hunter and Victoria Wells was the dark haired girl in the cage. I can't picture who Millie was either in The Committee? I get that but it was too embarrassing to watch either!!! Shut the door, Mary JB I disliked this episode a lot. Shatner playing a horse and Nimoy with castanets is pure embarrassment! Though anyone who kisses Nichelle is a lucky bastard in my book! Shut the door, Mary JB I personally loved it and still do! Shut the door, Mary JB Well the humans that were thrust into the fiery maw of the Dragon were sort of incinerated by it and once the flesh, blood or energy was digested the husk was ejected! The webbing which also covered them not going unnoticed either. Anton Zoref only pursued the Alphans in the corridors of the base while he looked human after he was hit by laser fire his body exploded and was reduced to a walking black ash zombie, which got up with orbs of powered light and headed straight for the nuclear generation area and walked straight into the energy core and caused the destruction of that part of the moonbase, afterwards we found out that Alpha had more than one station to generate power! Shut the door, Mary JB Apparently scientists have identified that star systems in other parts of the universe are much closer together than in our neighbourhood. This wasn't known back in 1975 but has added credence to the series! The moon did seem to be affected by the gravitational pull of the many different planets it passed by which may have added to it's speed or lack of! It did look like it was going into orbit around Zenno at one point (Peter Cushing's Raan's planet) but apart from that we've had a black sun which hurtled them to the otherside of the universe and the Another Time phenomenon which first sent them back to earth and later onto new horizons. In series 2 we learn of another incidental space warp before we see the moonbase and later a third one which hurled the moon five light years ahead but as to whether time was affected as well we don't know and finally Koenig detonated the waste dumps to change the course of the moon away from Tora in Seance Spectre and out into another direction although that was close to the end of the series! Shut the door, Mary JB I think more that the group of ships held together by the creature's psychic web move on their own carrying the monster with it. The moon had passed through a black sun and a time/space warp which perhaps catapulted it into the future. In Death's Other Dominion the Thulian's computer identified the year as 2870AD now that could mean that they were sent into the past if you believe the moon is still in 1999/2000 or if you have already seen Another Time/Another Place you can imagine the moon is now in the future where the graveyard of ships has been propelled too after nearly a thousand years too! Or did it too go through a space warp or even duplicated? Shut the door, Mary JB Death's Other Dominion which has an over-large group of humans living on an ice planet where they are immortal and have been for eight centuries until one leaves their new world! The other is Dragon's Domain about an earth probeship which was lost in space years earlier after an encounter with a spaceship graveyard and the terrible monster that controls it! The moon catches up with the mass of ships while the only survivor of the said mission, now on the moon, prepares himself for his final battle with the Dragon! JB Shut the door, Mary I quite liked World Beyond but hated Tales as it was just a mish mash of ideas that went nowhere to be honest! JB Shut the door, Mary The human soul vacates the body at the time of death but the animalistic instincts take over and the Walker becomes as dangerous as any other savage beast on the outside forests or jungles if not more so as some seem to retain human memories of their previous lives like those zombies sitting in the Church! JB Shut the door, Mary. The more wasted zombies seem easier to kill as their skulls seem softer to the knives but what if the virus or whatever that reanimates the dead also creates a stronger bite and reinforced tooth that and their insatiable hunger for human flesh when even leaving a meal to confront a new human on the menu... JB Shut the door, Mary The dead bodies in the various motorcars on the highway that never reanimated was a bad moment to be honest even if it looked cool. Why didn't they become Walkers in the cars like so many other unfortunates we've seen? And no they hadn't shot themselves in the head either... JB Shut the door, Mary In the films it was always shouted out on the television screens warning viewers about the disturbances in the cities and large towns was that the bodies of the recently deceased are coming back to life and attacking and then eating the people in the streets or at their places of work! Then they advised everyone to stay in your house and barricade yourselves in your homes and break out the rifles! Good advice unless you're in the UK where gun owning is illegal and only permitted for the rich and upper classes! JB Shut the door, Mary I wonder if the 45 minute Submarine extra with Nick Stahl will be on the new Fear The Walking Dead DVD release this year? JB Shut the door, Mary I preferred the Whisperers in the comic to their actual episodes on tv where they became pretty bland and annoying but most of the comic storylines translated well onto the screen I must say! JB Shut the door, Mary It wouldn't be mentioned in the comics as Daryl is a television character and never appeared in the pages of Kirkman's mind! JB Shut the door, Mary It snowed pretty heavy at the end of season nine when the group had to travel through Whisperer territory despite being warned by Alpha not to! JB Shut the door, Mary