skagers's Replies

Nobody said they dislike Marvel but I think you don't see that DC rushed and made a horrible cinematic universe just because Marvel's cinematic universe was really good and they got scared. I am happy that DC is going in the right direction and doing good things. The only reason I PREFER DC over Marvel because I grew up with The Dark Knight trilogy and the Dark Knight is my favorite movie. I will say The Dark Knight is better because I grew up with that movie and it is brilliant and has the best villain EVER and the movie is about Batman being a symbol, anyone can be Batman. We can see that when Bruce says that Batman has no limits and Alfred responds that Bruce does. Spiderman is innovative and beautiful it is about being human and Peter realizing that he doesn't have to be Spider-Man that he can just be Peter, yet he still chooses to be Spider-Man, not to be with the woman that he loves Spider-Man 3 would have been even better if the studio didn't fuck up Raimi's plan and vision of the film. Have you even seen this movie???? I don't think so. Because of Marvel, everyone thinks superhero movies should have sequels and they don't why can't they just be their own thing. When I said everyone I thought everyone that I know and I have talked about this movie, I never said that it was a horrible movie just that it could have been better. And for you to go on a rant about me being an attention whore just because I thought that Infinity War was better is kind of a fanboy act. Also, I feel like ur 12 because you said #sorrynotsorry. :) All I wanted to say it wasn't good or bad it was satisfying compared to the last movie they did and I gave my opinion how I would have done it. Agreed on everything you said especially Captain Marvel stealing Hulks moment it should have been a reminder of Thanos beating Hulk in Infinity War but they blew it. I don't know why but I just loved Man of Steel. For me, Aquaman was a movie that made me think about DC and my love for it when I was a kid. It wasn't perfect and it wasn't horrible I was willing to give DC another shot so I watched Shazam and I was so happy to see them finally making good movies. I was hyped up for Joker and it was great and ironically what made me love Joker less was the hype. Every friend of mine that prefers Marvel over DC loved the Joker and they just liked it because it was Joker. It was triggering. I still haven't watched the Birds of prey. I am really excited about the new Batman movie coming because I think it will determine my thoughts on DC vs Marvel. My favorite movie ever is The dark knight and I watch it at least once per month. For me, that was the highlight of DC. And the downfall of DC was the Suicide squad. Agreed. I hope for Joker to turn out to be a good movie. But i don't have hope for Birds of Prey. Other than that they should continue making movies like Shazam and Wonder Woman. Agreed, but there are going to be a lot of pissed Marvel fanboys.