MovieChat Forums > Thylacine80

Thylacine80 (8)


So this works as a "revenge" for all of us... (SPOILERS) View all posts >


I'm french, and still the movie, the references and the ending all meant something to me. Something so much deeper than what it would seem. SPOILER AHEAD Seeing Sharon standing at a time and place she never got the chance to be at was very touching endnote. I love it because it's a time capsule. That's basically the very reason I was looking forward to see it. I'm not a Tarantino film, but I'm a 1960's counterculture fan. I love the music, the stories, the icons, the fashion, the architecture of that era. And I was very well served. I also disagree. If Connery had played Bond in OHMSS, I don't think it would have been as good as it is the way Lazenby made it. Lazenby was nervous and inexperienced, and it shows. That's a good thing considering that Bond, in that particular movie, is human, weak and in love. Also they cast Diana Rigg to balance the inexperience of Lazenby. With Connery available for the film, it would habe been somebody else. And that defenitly would have altered the quality. Connery would not agree to show a weak and scared Bond (can you imagine Connery shouting for fear at the sight of a fake polar bear ???) and also, Blofeld is supposed to recognize Bond 'cause he already met him in YOLT. He doesn't, but it's Ok because we're having 2 different actors there (Savalas and Lazenby Vs Connery and Pleasance). If Connery would have returned, the sequence would have been very weird. [Yes. In FYEO, his age started to show. In Octopussy, he looks like grandpa. In AVTAK, he looks like grandpa on botox. Enjoy it while it the next Bond, he's still Ok, but starting with For your eyes only, his age started to show. Nice song but overrated. You only live twice, OHMSS main theme, we have all the time in the world or Live and let die are better songs to me. 60's Best : OHMSS Worst : Goldfinger 70's Best : Live and let die Worst : Moonraker 80's Best : For you eyes only Worst : Octopussy 90's Best : Goldeneye Worst : The world is not enough 00's Best : Casino Royale Worst : Die another day 10's Best : Skyfall Worst : Spectre View all replies >