MovieChat Forums > diver5050

diver5050 (3)



I actually find her very attractive, especially for the role. Also, stfu I believe what happened was that humans destroyed the earth (no surprise there) and so were forced to colonize Mars. But remember, hundreds, maybe thousands of years passed, so humans, now in space and on Mars, evolved to their new surroundings; thus, the man who came down the ladder was likely an evolved human who could no longer breathe the same air as the kids of 21st century Earth. That doesn't explain the strange tentacle-like hands that were reaching down and grabbing the kids at the end, nor does any scene after explain this; so who knows, perhaps there were some aliens. The movie definitely doesn't go out of its way to ensure that we understand every plot element it presents. I liked the movie's concept (a gravity well where time moves at a different rate), but as I replayed a lot of it in my mind afterwards I realized how poor the movie was in just about all other ways. As soon as she put Candy's credit card down on the dresser I knew that was it. Only a few minutes later did I connect that she probably turned that last trick in order to pay Candy back. The series is reminiscent of Boogie Nights, a film ostensibly about one man's rise and fall in the porn industry, but in reality more like fictional history painting a picture of a fascinating and pivotal time period for the industry, and its effect on the people in and around it. View all replies >